I went to do an update check, and 2 hours ago, “Advanced Woo Search” did an update to their version 1.31 which was done to include the woocommerce compatibility check that I sent them 2.75 hours ago.
They fixed it within an hour of being notified.
The other 12 plugins remain un-informed.
]]>The latest update version of woocommerce reports that 13 of the plugins we have, are not known to be compatible with woocommerce 3.0.
I’ve moved this out of Requests and Feedback. This is a Woocommerce topic and just does not belong where you posted it.
I’ve moved it to Fixing WordPress.
]]>Thanks for notifying WooCommerce, for their information.
The topic of this feedback is about the wordpress website’s system for handling possible duplicates.
The problem with the woocommerce plugins, is just an example.
So can you please make sure that this topic gets made available to the wordpress web site developers, so they can fix the problems with the false positives of the duplicate detection system?
Thank you
P.S. It would also be handy to get the message to the respective plugin developers.
But as per the problem of this topic, I am unable to contact more than one.
The one plugin author that I was able to send notification to, fixed it within an hour of my notification.
This is their explanation of the problem;
“WooCommece just release its new version check so for every plugin that doesn’t have special tags in its header they reports such message.”
So all the plugin teams need to do, is edit the tags in their headers, and update – problem solved.
But the problem is, they need to be told.
If you can, can you also feed this specific “exampled” problem and solution through to the plugin authors for the respective woocommerce plugins.
Alternatively, if the duplicate detection system would allow me to notify all the parties needed, then I could save you (or somebody else) the trouble.
]]>Thanks for notifying WooCommerce, for their information.
I have not notified anyone except you that you posted in the wrong place. I have no intention of doing so either but you can if you post in the right forum. See below.
The topic of this feedback is about the wordpress website’s system for handling possible duplicates.
The problem with the woocommerce plugins, is just an example.
Right, and you still posted in the wrong place. If you want, post again in the Woocommerce forums. Woocommerce is just another plugin and posting this in Requests and Feedback isn’t appropriate.
I’ll close this topic once you do.
]]>Thank you for all your involvement in this.
Can you please let me know the correct forum for
“the wordpress website’s system”
so I can raise the topic of
“Duplicate Detection system obstructs notifications to multiple plugins”
to talk about
“handling possible duplicates”
I will then be able to make a new feedback topic, but I will leave out a specific example, so as not to confuse anybody as to what the topic is about.
Thank you for your assistance.
]]>So we have to notify all 13 plugins, that their compatibility is unknown, and can they let woocommerce know, and let us know (or come up with some automated system).
So we generate a message, and send to the first plugin.
Can you explain how you send a message to the plugin and/or Woo?
]]>Thank you for your question. It is important, as there may be the occasional event that requires multiple recipients to receive an essentially similar message.
But apparently this is the wrong place to talk about that.
And it is also the wrong place to talk about the main point that I want to talk about.
I hope to get the following question answered, so I can then progress in the correct arena (if you can assist with this Steve – that would be helpful – thank you);
]]>Can you please let me know the correct forum for
“the wordpress website’s system”
so I can raise the topic of
“Duplicate Detection system obstructs notifications to multiple plugins”
to talk about
“handling possible duplicates”
Thank you for your re-assurance that this topic is operable in it’s present location.
Re your question;
Can you explain how you send a message to the plugin and/or Woo?
In short – with difficulty, and tedium, followed by a humorously small measure of despair.
The process of “how I send a message to the plugin” went something like;
1a) Create a draft/template message content, to send to all plugins that are not known to be compatible.
1b) Create a title segment that mentions unknown compatibility with Woocommerce, that can be prepended with the particular plugins name.
1c) Create Tags (so the problem that is common to all can be followed)
2) Get the list that WooCommerce displayed of the plugins with unknown compatibility.
3) For each plugin< on the list;
3a) copy the plugin name, paste into the Plugins search page on WordPress web site. (not all names on the list were able to be found using the reported name)
3b) Go to the plugin’s support page.
3c) Start a new topic. (to save time, several of these can be lined up at once in new tabs, so the copy and paste operations can be done at once).
3d) Copy and paste the Content, Tags, and Title and prepend the particular plugin name.
3e) Then submit the topic (which is in the support forum of the particular plugin – so is ‘probably’ in the correct place). Allowing anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes between each send, to try to avoid getting blocked.
The method worked ok for the first message (forum topic).
But all attempts after that failed.
All the effort to set up the feedback was to no avail.
But the first plugin recipient seemed to think it was either important enough, or easy enough to remedy that they fixed it with an update within an hour.
All the other plugins, are still being reported as unknown compatibility.
Conclusion of the experience
So the method that the website has for detecting duplicates, has prevented the feedback on the other 12 plugins getting back to the plugin teams.
We can choose to call that what we wish – I chose ‘obstruct’.
Suggestions for improvement
I have suggested some example solutions to the problem experienced due to the duplicate detection system, and no doubt there may be others if somebody wishes to imagine alternatives.
Well designed ‘detection systems’ frequently have confirmation processes, first to alert, then to allow or disallow. This system has none of that.
There is not a method for the user to confirm that they wish to send the messages/topics that the system automatically regards as apparent duplicates, nor is there a submission system for the user to communicate with admins to ask them to permit the messages/topics, nor have the admins expressed a willingness to help either improve the process or alert the plugin developers.
I do not wish to bother the admins, or create inconvenience.
And I do support the need to avoid spamming of forums.
But if we want to improve a product, or prevent failure of it, then we need to be able to handle the information flow, so the information can flow.
It is good to be able to make one suggestion, or point out one bug.
But it’s not that great if there are more than 10 of them, that we are then prevented. But that’s just my outlook.
It’s up to the admins to decide what they want to do – or not.
But this example has not just shown a performance aspect of the wordpress web site, it has inspired additional ideas;
1a) If a plugin (e.g. woocommerce) puts up a list of problems, then it would be really handy to automatically assist the user to act on them. e.g. provide the page links directly to each plugin’s support forum, provide a template message.
1b) OR collect the data of the list, and retrieve it back (in this case – to woocommerce), then (woocommerce) sends feedback to each plugin (once – rather than from each conscientious user).
2) What ever method is developed can be added to a standard practice method for all plugin developers, to improve the automated coordination of compatibility between all the independent plugins, and also wordpress (what ever the combinations and dependencies might be).
3) If a plugin wishes to change how it decides to measure or report compatibility, then it would be really handy for developers of dependent plugins, to be informed of this – ie ‘get’ the ‘message’ – communication ‘flow’.
A standard method for this would be handy.
4) Have a method, where a user can use bulk actions in their plugins list, to send a message from their dashboard directly to the selected plugin developers either by email or forum topic (which ever method each plugin chooses to be reached by).
… and more (but enough for now).
Thank you for your interest.
I look forward to your assistance in progressing towards an improvement in the system.
Hi Steve,
Thanks for getting back to me so fast.
Would you please reopen this topic for replies?
As the topic author, I would like to be invited to close the topic, if that is considered as part of polite etiquette?
I almost mentioned the blocking system for the “rate of topic entries”, which I have had problems with before.
I therefore limited my rate of “submits” to no less than 30 seconds, and some of them were minutes apart.
So that is not the only problem here.
Nor did it seem to be any part of the problem, because the denial to accept the topic, clearly stated that it was being rejected because it was a duplicate, and said nothing about being blocked because it had been sent too soon after a previous one.
So it would therefore not have been logged in to the queue of suspected spam, for the admins to manually process. So the entry got dumped, just as original suspected spams used to (before I had suggested that suspected spams get handled better – as I clearly do make suggestions).
Now, since the spam detection system does that, one might expect that the “dulpicate system” can do that as well.
Either way, according to your information, the topics that I began, and received alerts about, will shortly be processed by admins, and will either be accepted or rejected.
If they are accepted (as they are true problems), then they will appear on my list of “topics started”. As yet none of them have appeared.
If they are rejected, then will I be notified so that I can re-submit them.
Note- by some method, as the topic author, I was unable to re-set the “topic resolved” status setting, to “un-resolved”.
Thank you.
So, don’t worry. Be happy.
Another possibility, if your plugins are so closely tied to Woo, is to work out something with the Woo folks directly, so you can handle it outside the forums, our spam filter, and our moderation.
With that, I think this topic has reached its logical end. Thanks for replying to my question. I’m going to close the topic.