• Hello, i’ve just installed the Duotone theme on a self-hosted wordpress 2.9 instance. I tried the preview and it’s giving me this error:

    Warning: Missing argument 1 for is_vertical(), called in […]/wp-content/themes/duotone/functions.php on line 18 and defined in […]/wp-content/themes/duotone/inc/duotonelibrary.php on line 295

    I’m currently using Monotone, which is still working fine.
    Anyone had a similar problem? Hints?


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  • Thread Starter blig


    RSS bug found in template?
    EG: https://www.siteurl.it/feed/

    gives this kind of error

    This page contains the following errors:
    error on line 12 at column 34: Entity 'laquo' not defined
    Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.

    Have now downloaded Duotone 1.0.1 twice (deleted first download, downloaded and installed again), and still have error message:

    Warning: Missing argument 1 for is_vertical() in /homepages/13/d300699809/htdocs/journal/wp-content/themes/duotone/inc/duotonelibrary.php on line 295

    Have gone into the duotonelibrary.php file and all is correct as suggested in fixes above:
    $width = (is_vertical($post->image_url)) ? MIN_WIDTH : MAX_WIDTH;

    Have actually searched for the string
    Missing argument 1 for is_vertical()
    and that text cannot be found.

    Thoughts, help?
    See page at

    Found that the line 295 causing the error message is:

    function is_vertical($url) {

    2) getimagesize() [function.getimagesize]: Filename cannot be empty
    Work on content: make sure that every post has an image associated

    My friend told me how to fix this problem.
    By using php.ini, write as follows plz.

    allow_url_fopen = on

    I could solve.

    It looks as if this theme only works if you installed WordPress into the root of the web server folder and not a subfolder. The problem that I have seen is in the fake_rewrites function where text substitution is making a URL unusable.



    My primary WordPress blog sits at the root level of my URL:

    ( This theme will show images for Duotone after making the $post->image_url fix as above, )


    BUT !!!!

    The second photoBlog Only WordPress installation at:

    Will not show the images in the post after making the $post->image_url fix!

    Something is not recognizing where WordPress is exactly installed, and is guessing it to be installed at the Root Level!

    Okay … hacking a bit here:

    For those of you who are having problems seeing images show up, due to having WordPress operating at some place other than the ROOT directory of the URL, here’s where the problems seems to be:

    Look in the file <functions.php> … Look at the line that reads:

    return str_replace(get_bloginfo(‘wpurl’), ”, preg_replace(‘/src=(“|\’)([^\1]+)\?w=[0-9]+(\1)/’,’src=”‘.$thumby.’?image=’.addslashes( “$2”).’&w=’.$width.'”‘,$tag) );

    From my hacking, it appears that the problems is there somewhere.

    If you change the line to simply:
    return $tag;

    Then your images will show.

    I’m having problems with centering and perhaps sizing … but this is a starting place for an ultimate fix.

    good luck all.

    Here’s some debug print statements that were inserted info <functions.php> :

    print “DEBUG: get_bloginfo is: ” . get_bloginfo(‘wpurl’) . “\n”;
    print “DEBUG: thumby is: ” . $thumby . “\n”;
    print “DEBUG: width is: ” . $width . “\n”;
    print “DEBUG: tag is: ” . $tag . “\n”;

    Here’s the Output Results :

    DEBUG: get_bloginfo is: https://richimages.net/showcase
    DEBUG: thumby is: https://richimages.net/showcase/wp-content/themes/duotone/inc/thumb.php
    DEBUG: width is: 560
    DEBUG: tag is: <img src=’https://richimages.net/showcase/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/barceloHotel_027-e1265467175233.jpg?w=560&#8242; title=”Barcelo Hotel Grounds” alt=”” />

    Does anyone know what the original line:

    return str_replace(get_bloginfo(‘wpurl’), ”, preg_replace(‘/src=(“|\’)([^\1]+)\?w=[0-9]+(\1)/’,’src=”‘.$thumby.’?image=’.addslashes( “$2”).’&w=’.$width.'”‘,$tag) );

    is doing here? I code a bit, but am unsure what this replacement is doing. The output from the above original was :

    <img src=”/wp-content/themes/duotone/inc/thumb.php?image=/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/barceloHotel_027-e1265467175233.jpg&w=560″ title=”Barcelo Hotel Grounds” alt=”” />

    which has incomplete paths that cause the images to not appear.

    Thanks for any help.

    your sight looks fabulous. How did you get it to work? A novice at this. My pictures aren’t resizing to fit.

    Any help would be appreciated!




    I’m trying to migrate noisypilgrims.wordpress.com which runs duotone already to a self hosted site. I’m facing the above problems too and the fixes don’t seem to work ??
    Any help?



    The only way I can get it to work is to post in the wordpress.com, export it. I change my theme to the default with the green title (can’t remember the name at the moment), and then import–It only works without the attachments for me.

    Once everything is imported then I changed the theme back to duotone and it works fine.

    Of course, this is far too much work to make a website act correctly. Also, all of the photos are still on the wordpress.com site so it defeats the purpose of moving.

    I never heard back from anyone on this, but I’ll update if I ever figure it out.



    Please could someone help me solve this problem.
    I made the change from 18, so it is giving this error:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_VARIABLE or ‘$’ in / home/kinobox1/public_html/wp-content/themes/duotone/functions.php on line 18

    I left the monotone to duotone. I can not view the blog.
    I do not know what to do. thanks.




    problem solved!

    On this site I’m working on: https://resources.unearthlytales.net/

    I get these errors, with the latest wordpress and duotone:

    Warning: getimagesize() [function.getimagesize]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /home/unearthl/public_html/resources/wp-content/themes/duotone/inc/duotonelibrary.php on line 301

    Warning: getimagesize(https://resources.unearthlytales.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/ebon.pyorre.net_1269611877450.png) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /home/unearthl/public_html/resources/wp-content/themes/duotone/inc/duotonelibrary.php on line 301

    Warning: Missing argument 1 for is_vertical(), called in /home/unearthl/public_html/resources/wp-content/themes/duotone/functions.php on line 18 and defined in /home/unearthl/public_html/resources/wp-content/themes/duotone/inc/duotonelibrary.php on line 295

    Warning: getimagesize() [function.getimagesize]: Filename cannot be empty in /home/unearthl/public_html/resources/wp-content/themes/duotone/inc/duotonelibrary.php on line 301
    <img src=”/wp-content/themes/duotone/inc/thumb.php?image=/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/ebon.pyorre.net_1269611877450.png&w=840″ class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-4″ title=”The Everchanging Book of Names” alt=”” />

    Looks like you’ve got a server config problem. One of the basic functionalities required by the theme has been disabled on your server.

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