Hi I made a little hack/test (btw I’m not a wordpress developper)
put this inside query-monitor.js
$('<input></input>').attr({'type': 'button','style':'height:18px;'}).val("+").click(function(){
var valuetopast = $(this).parent().html().replace(/\<br\>/gi,'\r').replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,"");
var myWindow =null;
var windowstyle ="width=800, height=800 ";
myWindow = window.open("phpminiadmin.php","",windowstyle);
myWindow.document.getElementById("q").innerHTML = valuetopast;
and add phpminiadmin.php from phpminiadmin.php inside root of my wordpress.
With this little hack I can debug on demand all the query from frontend.
Yes I know there is really a little security etc