Hey @mitsakos999,
Yes, you can surely do it.
here you have the code snippet which you can use to achieve this:
add_filter( 'pirate_forms_public_controls', 'pf_add_subject_dropdown' );
function pf_add_subject_dropdown( $elements ) {
foreach ( $elements as $key => $element ) {
if ( $element['id'] === 'pirate-forms-contact-subject' ) {
$elements[ $key ]['type'] = 'select';
$elements[ $key ]['options'] = array(
'My subject option 1' => 'My subject option 1',
'My subject option 2' => 'My subject option 2',
'My subject option 3' => 'My subject option 3'
return $elements;
Obviously you need to replace the select option with your values.