• Hello everyone,

    I’d like to have a dropdown menu where I can see the headlines of the posts of the categories if I slide over it and can click on each to get there.

    I use the theme Traction Pro. In my header.php I already got such a navigation bar but without dropdown. It says:

    <div id="cat-nav" class="clear">
    				<ul class="nav">
    					<?php if ($traction->hideCategories() != 'true' ) : ?>
    						<?php wp_list_categories( 'title_li=&exclude=' . $traction->excludedCategories()); ?>
    					<?php endif; ?>

    It looks like this (in blue).

    I read via Javascript it would be possible. Couldn’t quite manage that. But I’m also not so familiar with Javascript. Please help me. ??

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