Add the following code snippet:
function em_get_states() {
return array('AL' => 'Alabama','AK' => 'Alaska','AZ' => 'Arizona','AR' => 'Arkansas','CA' => 'California','CO' => 'Colorado', 'CT' => 'Connecticut','DE' => 'Delaware','DC' => 'Washington DC','FL' => 'Florida','GA' => 'Georgia','HI' => 'Hawaii','ID' => 'Idaho','IL' => 'Illinois','IN' => 'Indiana','IA' => 'Iowa','KS' => 'Kansas','KY' => 'Kentucky','LA' => 'Louisiana','ME' => 'Maine','MD' => 'Maryland','MA' => 'Massachusetts','MI' => 'Michigan','MN' => 'Minnesota','MS' => 'Mississippi','MO' => 'Missouri','MT' => 'Montana','NE' => 'Nebraska','NV' => 'Nevada','NH' => 'New Hampshire','NJ' => 'New Jersey','NM' => 'New Mexico','NY' => 'New York','NC' => 'North Carolina','ND' => 'North Dakota','OH' => 'Ohio','OK' => 'Oklahoma','OR' => 'Oregon','PA' => 'Pennsylvania','RI' => 'Rhode Island','SC' => 'South Carolina','SD' => 'South Dakota','TN' => 'Tennessee','TXTexas' => '','UT' => 'Utah','VT' => 'Vermont','VA' => 'Virginia','WA' => 'Washington','WV' => 'West Virginia','WI' => 'Wisconsin','WY' => 'Wyoming');
Then replace the following in templates > forms > event > location.php and in templates > forms > location > where.php
<input id="location-state" type="text" name="location_state" value="<?php echo esc_attr($EM_Location->location_state); ?>" >
With this:
<select id="location-state" name="location_state" class="em-selectize">
<?php foreach(em_get_states() as $state_key => $state_name): ?>
<option value="<?php echo esc_attr($state_key); ?>" <?php echo ( $EM_Location->location_state == $state_key) ? 'selected="selected"':''; ?>><?php echo esc_html($state_name); ?></option>
<?php endforeach; ?>