• Resolved databell96


    Seems no matter which item in my dropdown I choose as the default selection, I cannot get it to be selected again after I select something else in my dropdown. In fact, on my iPhone, I notice I the default selection is ghosted out. Is this normal? Is there a way around this?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Devin Walker


    Hey @databell96

    Sorry to hear about the issue you’re experiencing. Is this first the current default level “Ben Gurion Hall”… ? I see that it’s disabled.

    Have you tried switching it from “dropdown” to “radios” in the donation form? Also, have you tried quickly switching themes to see if it’s a theme issue. It shouldn’t ever disable the default level. I’ve never seen this before so am interested to find out what the issue is. Finding out answers to the questions above will help me.


    Thread Starter databell96


    It is the theme. Actually, a custom function I added to make it I believe add a Choose your Level as the main selector. Here’s the code that causes the issue:

     * GiveWP Functions for Donations Form
    add_filter('give_form_level_output', 'kestcenter_custom_level_output', 99, 2);
    function kestcenter_custom_level_output( $output, $form_id ) {
    	$prices             = apply_filters( 'give_form_variable_prices', give_get_variable_prices( $form_id ), $form_id );
    	$display_style      = give_get_meta( $form_id, '_give_display_style', true );
    	$custom_amount      = give_get_meta( $form_id, '_give_custom_amount', true );
    	$custom_amount_text = give_get_meta( $form_id, '_give_custom_amount_text', true );
    	$levels = kestcenter_get_give_donations();
    	if ( empty( $custom_amount_text ) ) {
    		$custom_amount_text = esc_html__( 'Give a Custom Amount', 'give' );
    	$output  = '';
    	$output .= '<label for="give-donation-level-select-' . $form_id . '" class="give-hidden">' . esc_html__( 'Choose Your Donation Amount', 'give' ) . ':</label>';
    	$output .= '<select id="give-donation-level-select-' . $form_id . '" class="give-select give-select-level give-donation-levels-wrap">';
    	$output .= '<option class="give-donation-level-choose" disabled="disabled" selected="selected">Choose your Level</option>';
    	//first loop through prices.
    	foreach ( $prices as $price ) {
    		$level_text    = apply_filters( 'give_form_level_text', ! empty( $price['_give_text'] ) ? $price['_give_text'] : give_currency_filter( give_format_amount( $price['_give_amount'] ) ), $form_id, $price );
    		$exists = (in_array($price['_give_id']['level_id'], $levels) && $form_id == 61 ) ? 'disabled="disabled"' : '';
    		$level_classes = apply_filters( 'give_form_level_classes', 'give-donation-level-' . $price['_give_id']['level_id'] . ( ( isset( $price['_give_default'] ) && $price['_give_default'] === 'default' ) ? ' give-default-level' : '' ), $form_id, $price );
    		$output .= '<option data-price-id="' . $price['_give_id']['level_id'] . '" class="' . $level_classes . '" value="' . give_format_amount( $price['_give_amount'] ) . '" ' . $exists . '>';
    		$output .= $level_text;
    		$output .= '</option>';
    	//Custom Amount.
    	if ( give_is_setting_enabled( $custom_amount ) && ! empty( $custom_amount_text ) ) {
    		$output .= '<option data-price-id="custom" class="give-donation-level-custom" value="custom">' . $custom_amount_text . '</option>';
    	$output .= '</select>';
    	echo $output;
    Plugin Author Matt Cromwell


    HI @databell96 — can you clarify exactly what you’re trying to accomplish with that code? Do you have some screenshots or examples you can point us to? This is definitely more of a custom developed solution, which we LOVE but don’t normally provide support for, but I’m happy to help give guidance if you can help me understand the use.


    Thread Starter databell96


    Well, it kind of relates to my other post where you have a default message that instead of displaying a level, it just displays a message like “Choose a level” or “Choose an amount” with no value in the value field (since there would be no donation value at that point), and then the donator makes his or her decision from the other options in the select menu. Make sense?

    Plugin Author Matt Cromwell


    In that case, here’s what I’d do instead.

    1) Enable the “Custom Amount” option
    2) Change the Custom Amount label to say “Choose an Amount”
    3) Then add this snippet:

    add_action('wp_footer', 'set_give_default_dropdown_option');
    function set_give_default_dropdown_option() { ?>
            jQuery(document).ready(function( $ ) {

    Try that out instead, much easier in the end.

    Thread Starter databell96


    Think we got a winner, Matt! Thank you!

    Plugin Author Matt Cromwell


    Glad to hear, happy to help!

    If you’re enjoying Give and appreciate our support, we’d love a kind review from you here:


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