It is the theme. Actually, a custom function I added to make it I believe add a Choose your Level as the main selector. Here’s the code that causes the issue:
* GiveWP Functions for Donations Form
add_filter('give_form_level_output', 'kestcenter_custom_level_output', 99, 2);
function kestcenter_custom_level_output( $output, $form_id ) {
$prices = apply_filters( 'give_form_variable_prices', give_get_variable_prices( $form_id ), $form_id );
$display_style = give_get_meta( $form_id, '_give_display_style', true );
$custom_amount = give_get_meta( $form_id, '_give_custom_amount', true );
$custom_amount_text = give_get_meta( $form_id, '_give_custom_amount_text', true );
$levels = kestcenter_get_give_donations();
if ( empty( $custom_amount_text ) ) {
$custom_amount_text = esc_html__( 'Give a Custom Amount', 'give' );
$output = '';
$output .= '<label for="give-donation-level-select-' . $form_id . '" class="give-hidden">' . esc_html__( 'Choose Your Donation Amount', 'give' ) . ':</label>';
$output .= '<select id="give-donation-level-select-' . $form_id . '" class="give-select give-select-level give-donation-levels-wrap">';
$output .= '<option class="give-donation-level-choose" disabled="disabled" selected="selected">Choose your Level</option>';
//first loop through prices.
foreach ( $prices as $price ) {
$level_text = apply_filters( 'give_form_level_text', ! empty( $price['_give_text'] ) ? $price['_give_text'] : give_currency_filter( give_format_amount( $price['_give_amount'] ) ), $form_id, $price );
$exists = (in_array($price['_give_id']['level_id'], $levels) && $form_id == 61 ) ? 'disabled="disabled"' : '';
$level_classes = apply_filters( 'give_form_level_classes', 'give-donation-level-' . $price['_give_id']['level_id'] . ( ( isset( $price['_give_default'] ) && $price['_give_default'] === 'default' ) ? ' give-default-level' : '' ), $form_id, $price );
$output .= '<option data-price-id="' . $price['_give_id']['level_id'] . '" class="' . $level_classes . '" value="' . give_format_amount( $price['_give_amount'] ) . '" ' . $exists . '>';
$output .= $level_text;
$output .= '</option>';
//Custom Amount.
if ( give_is_setting_enabled( $custom_amount ) && ! empty( $custom_amount_text ) ) {
$output .= '<option data-price-id="custom" class="give-donation-level-custom" value="custom">' . $custom_amount_text . '</option>';
$output .= '</select>';
echo $output;