The drop off location is a mandatory field for all search/booking forms of VikRentCar so long as the configuration setting “Choose Pickup Location” is turned on.
It would not be possible to have just the pick-up location dropdown menu without the drop off location, as both options are mandatory when you ask your clients to select the location for the rental.
We are not sure to have understood if you are trying to hide the drop off location and keep only the pick up location (this would not be possible), or if the choice of the locations is not working for you. In the latter case, please notice that most configuration settings are cached in the PHP Session, and so whenever you make changes to the Configuration settings, it is recommended to use a new private/incognito session with your browser so that the PHP Session will be renewed and all the updated configuration settings will be applied.
Adjusting the code for those functions would require to override the template files of many “Views” (pages) of the plugin, and so we do not recommend doing it. You should rather consider to hide those fields by adding custom CSS rules to the apposite CSS file for the customizations, but please notice that this may not apply to all “Views” where the drop off location is requested, as this is by default a mandatory field when the Locations are enabled.
We hope this helps!
The VikWP Team