Drop Down Menu Problem
Hi all,
I’ve added a drop down menu in my WordPress MU site. It works beautifully in Firefox and Safari…but of course IE is screwing with it. Here’s the code for the menu. The page is https://www.wouldjesusdiscriminate.com – view in IE 7 to see the problem.
I have messed with positions, z-index on all css – including that surrounding this menu. I’ve even modified the javascript (below is original and in use) and can’t for the life of me fix it.
-MelWithin my head tags…
<script type=’text/javascript’>
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery(“#dropmenu ul”).css({display: “none”}); // Opera Fix
jQuery(“#dropmenu li”).hover(function(){
jQuery(this).find(‘ul:first’).css({visibility: “visible”,display: “none”}).show(268);
jQuery(this).find(‘ul:first’).css({visibility: “visible”});
</script><style type=”text/css”>
#dropmenu, #dropmenu ul {margin:0; padding:0; list-style-type:none; list-style-position:outside; position:relative; line-height:2.5em; z-index:300; width:100%; font-weight:bold;}
#dropmenu a {display:block; padding:0.25em 1em; color:#000; border-right:0px solid #000; text-decoration:none; background: transparent; font-size: 1.3em;}
#dropmenu a:hover {background:#000; color:#fff;}
#dropmenu li {float:left; position:relative;}
#dropmenu ul {position:absolute; display:none; width:12em; top:2.9em; left:-1px; background: #fff;}
#dropmenu ul a {border-left:0px solid #c8c8c8; }
#dropmenu li ul {border-top:0px solid #c8c8c8; width:18em;}
#dropmenu li ul a {width:12em; height:auto; float:left; border-bottom:0px solid #c8c8c8;}
#dropmenu ul ul {top:auto;}
#dropmenu li ul ul {left:12em; margin:0px 0 0 10px;}
#dropmenu li:hover ul ul, #dropmenu li:hover ul ul ul, #dropmenu li:hover ul ul ul ul {display:none;}
#dropmenu li:hover ul, #dropmenu li li:hover ul, #dropmenu li li li:hover ul, #dropmenu li li li li:hover ul {display:block;}
</style>Within the body tags…
<!– BEGIN navigation –>
<ul id=”dropmenu”>
<?php wp_list_pages(‘sort_column=menu_order&title_li=’); ?><!– END navigation –>
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