• Resolved alainmelsens


    First of all, congratulations with this very usefull Elementor Addon.
    I have tested it and on a normal page with example on the first section under the header with a text widget, the drop-down menu is not working completly.
    The second submenu item is underneath the page content and so, I can’t click on that submenu item.
    I think it is something to do with the CSS z-index that must be set to a higher level but I couldn’t find where to change this.
    Can you help to solve this issue, please?
    Thanks in Advance.
    Best Regards.

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  • Thank you @alainmelsens ??

    This is to do with Elemetors .elementor-widget-wrap class’ z-index – working on a solution for it.

    Could I ask which theme are using and if at all possible, a link to the site please?

    Thread Starter alainmelsens


    Thanks for your suggestion, but I didn’t find how to solve it myself.
    And because I’m only test it locally on a virtual websever, I can’t give you a link to see it.
    I have tried it on different themes, but I want to use it on start theme (By munirkamal) found here on www.remarpro.com. It doesn’t work on other themes either.
    I have also discovered that the issue is happening only on text widgets, so if there is a background image near the menu naviation, then drop-down is working normal.
    I hope I could you help more…

    Thread Starter alainmelsens


    I saw that you already have placed an other update of your famous plugin. Just great, thanks.
    But I was hoping that the previous issue should be fixed by now, but it isn’t. ??
    Can you give me an email address, so I can send you some screenshots of the problem, please? It should be very easy for you to simulate the problem. Then maybe you can help us to solve the strange problem with the submenu’s.
    Thanks in advance.
    Best Regards.

    These are all inclusive forums and its best to keep things within them.

    Someone with a similar issue maybe looking for a solution – keeping all details here will help them find what they are looking for.

    Could you upload the image online and then link to it here? Also give as much details on how you implemented the menu so that I can try and replicate it.

    This issue is resolved in my testing so without seeing it on your side it would be a hit and miss in providing you with the best solution.

    Thread Starter alainmelsens


    Ok, I can share pictures with a weblink via Dropbox.
    The first picture is a good working example. You can see the second submenu “Blank2”.
    See picture: Drop-down with second submenu visible
    On the second picture you can’t see the second submenu”Blank2″ anymore because the second submenu is under the elements from the first section of the page content.
    See picture: Drop-down where second submenu is under other elements
    I hope you can understand the problem with these pictures.
    Thanks in advance.
    Best Regards.

    Thank you for sharing the images – they’ll be helpfull to debug the issue.

    Are you using the raw theme as is or do you have a blank page template? Or are you using the Elementor Templater plugin?

    If I’m to understand it correctly, in image 2 the menu is placed in one section and the content is in another section?

    Just pushed an update that should fix that issue.

    Please update, check and let me know.

    Thread Starter alainmelsens


    YES!!! You have done it!!!
    It’s working now after I’ve done the update. Just great. ??
    Thank you so much.
    And for answering your question: yes I’m using the Elementor Templater plugin to have full with option.
    But anyway, this issue with the drop-down submenus is solved now.
    Thank you again and I wish you good luck with your very usefull and amazing easy plugin.
    This topic may be closed.
    Best Regards.


    I see this is marked as resolved but I feel like I might be having the same issue.

    Work in progress: https://traditional-windows.gowoof.co.uk/
    The dropdown appears on mobile but not on desktop.

    Wordpress 4.7.3
    Generate Press 1.3.46
    Elementor 1.4.2
    Elementor Pro 1.2.4
    Nav Menu Addon 1.0.4

    Your help would be much appreciated.


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