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  • I will, thanks again.

    hey i having the same problem and both of z-index can’t help me …
    im using Twenty Twelve theme….

    Hello, im tryinig to make this works with oxygen theme, but i cant do it. My website is

    I replaced page-template-front.php with this:

    * Template Name: Front Page
    * Magazine layout with several loop areas and a featured content area (slider). This template must be manually set for a page. Then the same page can be set as a Front page from Settings -> Reading -> Front page displays -> A static page.
    * @package Oxygen
    * @subpackage Template

    get_header(); // Loads the header.php template. ?>

    <div class=”aside”>

    <?php get_template_part( ‘menu’, ‘secondary’ ); // Loads the menu-secondary.php template. ?>

    <?php get_sidebar( ‘primary’ ); // Loads the sidebar-primary.php template. ?>


    <?php do_atomic( ‘before_content’ ); // oxygen_before_content ?>

    <div class=”content-wrap”>

    <div id=”content”>

    <?php echo do_shortcode(“[metaslider id=19]”); ?>

    </div><!– #content –>

    <?php do_atomic( ‘after_content’ ); // oxygen_after_content ?>

    <?php get_footer(); // Loads the footer.php template. ?>

    And set z-index to 9999 in style.css, but dropdowm menu still is under slider.

    Can you guide me? Thanks

    Hi Tom,

    The code isn’t working for me. I’m using the Iconic One v.1.0. The drop down menu is still behind the slider. If I set it to NivoSlider the drop down works but it disappears when the slide changes.

    Thank you,

    mrangelx, try using .themonic-nav li a, .themonic-nav li { z-index: 999;}

    For anyone else having this problem, please start a new topic. All themes are different, it’s unlikely the fix for one person will work for another.

    Once a topic has been marked as ‘resolved’, I do not check it so please start a new topic, making sure to read the sticky topics at the top of the forum – especially the one titled “Read this before posting!”


    I used the following and it worked on my site.

    .main-navigation li a, .main-navigation li {
        z-index: 9999;

    This is from Matcha Labs above post.

    I am using Revolution Slider with the Sugar and Spice Theme.



    I’m using the default twenty twelve theme and the z-index stuff works to bring the drop down menu in front of my youtube video, but only in firefox and opera. In chrome the drop down is still behind the youtube video and sliders.

    How can I fix this?



    Hi Webdevelopment,

    Does this work for you?

    .metaslider {
        z-index: 0;

    If not, please could you send me a link to your site?




    The site is confidential, but it’s just the standard twenty twelve menu, by default the drop down’s go behind Youtube videos or sliders in Chrome even with the z index css changes. You can test this yourself on a local install of twenty twelve. The menu works fine for me in Firefox and Opera, but not Chrome.


    .main-navigation li a, .main-navigation li {
        z-index: 9999;

    This totally worked for me! I’m using the standard Twenty twelve I believe.

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