drop down menu Dose not work
Ok when you click on the little arrow it will not drop down
I have change it to text right now till you find out what going onI cant have part of a form not working wile it alive my website
Dropdown menus are working for me on many different websites and several different servers. Any issue you have is probably due to something wrong in your form content.
Please include all your input in the Form section of the CF7 interface – with the problem drop-down menu included & highlighted so can see easily where you are having the problem.
when I click on the arrow it will not move I can not select with I stated in it. My webpage
[select* GRSUPCT “Mrs.” “Miss”] go to where it says name of person who creating registry Title : and mom’s name Title
Any help please i would like to get this form done please, i have a business to run.
@duddlebug – When you are able to provide ALL the info I requested, I will be able to look at your problem again.
where is the CF7 interface? i have no clue?
ok i think this is what you mean, I made it code where i am having trouble
Name of person creating registry:
Title: [select* GRSUPCT include_blank "MR." "Mrs." "Miss"]
First Name: [text* GRSUPCF 15/25 id:GRSUPC] Last Name: [text* GRSUPCL 15/25 id:GRSUPC]Name of Registry (just Mom or Mom & Dad)
<p>Mom’s Name (required)
<strong>Title: [select* GRSUPCT include_blank "Mrs." "Miss"]
First Name: [text* GRSUMF 15/25 id:GRSUMF] Last Name: [text* GRSUML 15/25 id:GRSUML] </p><p>Dad’s Name
First Name: [text GRSUDF 15/25 id:GRSUDF] Last Name: [text GRSUDL 15/25 id:GRSUDL] </p><p>Due Date (required)
[text* GRSUDD 18/18 id:GRSUDD placeholder “Month DD YYYY”] </p><p>Baby Shower Date (required)
[text* GRSUBD 18/18 id:GRSUBD placeholder “Month DD YYYY”] </p><p>Email (required)
[text* GRSUEM id:GRSUEM] </p><p>Phone Number (required)
[text* GRSUPN 15/15 id:GRSUPN placeholder “### – ### – ####”] </p><p>Number of registry cards (required)
[text* GRSUNOC 6/6 id:GRSUNOC] </p><p>Personal message to be placed at the top of your registry for friends and family to see.
[textarea GRSUPM 80×8 id:GRSUPM] </p><p>Questions or Comments
[textarea GRSUQNC 80×8 id:GRSUQNC] </p><p>If time is of the essence and you need your registry cards immediately, we can send you a printable pdf. Please indicate below:
[radio GRSUWTS id:GRSUWTS class:radio-vertical “Please mail the registration cards to the address below.” “I need them ASAP … please send me a printable pdf !!”] </p>Please indicate who the registry cards should be mailed to (shower hostess). If you are having more than one shower, please contact us with all hostesses addresses and number of cards to be sent. If you would like us to send registry cards directly to you, please indicate in the comment section.)
First Name: [text GRSUNTSFN 15/25 id:GRSUNTSFN] Last Name: [text GRSUNTSLN 15/25 id:GRSUNTSLN]</p><p>Phone Number
[text GRSUNTSPN 15/15 id:GRSUNTSPN placeholder "### - ### - ####"] </p><p>Mailing Address:
[text* GRSUNTSA0 60/60 placeholder “Street Address”]
[text* GRSUNTSA1 20/20 placeholder “City”] [text* GRSUNTSA2 15/15 placeholder “Sate”] [text* GRSUNTSA3 7/7 placeholder “Zip code”] </p>[quiz GRSU 12/14 id:GRSU “What day comes after Friday?|Saturday”]
<p>[submit “Send”]</p>
@duddlebug – both the links you provided to your CF7 form give a Page not found error.
Sorry here you go my site was under maintenance
@buzztone would you please help me on this.
Sorry – the @buzztone alerted me to your new comment. I’ll take a look later today.
ok thank you
Your problem appears to be due to the following CSS code in https://annadecarlophotography.com/wp-content/themes/saradavis/style.css
*::-moz-selection { background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #898989; color: #fff; /* THIS IS A PROBLEM - the color of the text is white & thus invisible on a white background */ text-shadow: none; }
The options in your ?Dropdown menus are in fact displaying ( I can find them when using Firebug) but they are not visible due to the text being white.
If you do not have suitable HTML & CSS skills you could try to contact your theme provider to resolve this.
????If you do have suitable HTML & CSS skills – see Styling Contact Form for a general explanation of styling CF7 forms using CSS.
There is a link at the bottom of the page to a comprehensive and detailed article on Styling Contact Form 7 Forms. The article shows people, with suitable HTML & CSS skills, how to change the appearance of their Contact Form 7 Forms to meet their particular requirements.
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