• bauble


    I know it can be done, i’ve read all the threads here. but i’m new to this side of Dreamweaver and I need some tips.

    I’ve installed xampp, i’ve got my blog running on my test site, as well as online.

    I’ve set up a site in dreamweaver, with local and remote settings

    i’ve opened up index.php and gone into the database panel and set up a MySQL conection.

    then i got stuck.

    I want to get to a point where I load index.php into dreamweave and somewhere i can see my blog, with the themes(CSS) and the entries and everything.

    but when i hit the LiveView button all i get is the raw text of the page, not the themes or any of that stuff.

    can someone point me in the next direction?

    gregorsmith was one user that said it could be done so thats what i wanna do, because i’ll learn some of the elements of dreamweaver that i’ve fallen behind on.

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  • If you wish to be able to have a functioning wordpress such as they are online, you are going to need to setup a test MySQL server and database so that it may function properly as a local website for you.

    I have never thought of using Dreamweaver, only because it’s just as easy to do it online. I personally only use Dreamweaver for coding in PHP once in a while, but if you want to try to use it, go for it. Those are my tips for you.


    Thread Starter bauble


    as i said in my post i already have MySQL running both on my local and remote servers.

    the issue is in getting dreamweaver to show the CSS. or to develop a decent workflow whereby i’m editing wysiwyg offline.



    what version of dreamweaver are u using? Version MX 2004 can handle CSS well.

    So it looks to me like my version of Dreamweaver MX 6.0 is responsible for breaking my stylesheets. I’ve gotten it to the point where the stylesheet actually displays the live version of the theme on the site properly, but in the dashboard, it shows up in the presentation details as one monolithic block of text, which is really unhandy when you’ve got more than one or two themes stored on your site.

    Ayone had any luck with tweaking the settings on dreamweaver to not destroy a .css file? Saving a file in another format and uploading it in a variety of formas doesn’t seem to fix whatever dreamweaver has done to my stylesheet.

    You could try using another WYSIWYG editor. Or not use one at all.

    I’ve used Dreamweaver X 2004 (Dreamweaver 7) for a couple of years now. It still has issues with some css, in static html sites. The new version in Studio 8, supposedly has better success in showing your site as it might appear more appropriately. Go to https://www.macromedia.com/downloads/?promoid=BIOD
    and download the demo of version 8, and see if that makes a difference for you.

    Personally, I use the WAMP server package, and WordPress runs likes a charm on my laptop, for doing all my testing and mods before uploading to my online website server.


    Jordhie… that’s not the issue anymore. The stylesheets are now broken and I can’t seem to fix them. Just downgrading to using a text editor hasn’t solved the problem yet. Thanks for all your help though. That was really useful.

    Ok… just to clarify- this seems to be a problem plauging MAC users. I’m using a MAC – NOT WINDOWS. Please stop suggesting windows software. I’m not going to go out and buy a shitty laptop. This shouldn’t be that frigging difficult.

    I could not adequately sort out how to prevent Dreamweaver from breaking my page. But I did confirm that it does and I found a small workaround using Terminal. My solution is posted in this thread:

    Hope this helps.

    awesome… I tried to edit my previous snarky post with my little temper tantrum and now I cannot. Moderators, delete snark at will. I have found a solution and feel better.

    meganano: (I know this thread is old, but maybe someone else banging his or her against the wall will appreciate the info.)

    The problem with Dreamweaver/Mac “breaking” WordPress css files has to do with the newline encoding. If your server is a Linux server it’s going to want a \n end-of-line encoding as opposed to Mac’s \r or Windows’s \r\n.

    In Dreamweaver 7 & 8, under Preferences on the Code Format tab, the “Line break type” should be set to “LF (Unix)”.

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