Thank you so much for being this helpful.
I am running PHP version 5.3.29
And yes, it’s the newest verions of both WordPress and WooCommerce.
Javascrip Console doesnt reveal much, but in the source code of the non-working site, I can only see this.
<h3 class="wcpgsk_acc_header">Shop Settings</h3>
But when I installed Poor Guy Swiss Knife on the other site, it says this:
<h3 class="wcpgsk_acc_header ui-accordion-header ui-helper-reset ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-accordion-icons" role="tab" id="ui-accordion-wcpgsk_accordion-header-0" aria-controls="ui-accordion-wcpgsk_accordion-panel-0" aria-selected="false" aria-expanded="false" tabindex="0"><span class="ui-accordion-header-icon ui-icon ui-icon-circle-arrow-e"></span>Shop Settings</h3>
So for some reason, the code is not fully generated. Could you please inform me how I shall proceed? Contact my web hosting company? Make a clean install of WordPress?
Also… I was thinking… If I buy the Rich Guy plugin, do you think there is any chance that this one would work?