• Resolved denischiron



    I’ve installed your plugin, with WP, on my local machine (MAMP) and it works well for configuring the admin menu for different roles (and it’s cool !).

    Now, when I install, on a server, the same version of WordPress (4.6.1), with the same (French) language activated, with the default theme, and only with your plugin : if I select the “Menu” settings, I can see a JS bug on the console :

    wpNavMenu.menuList is undefined

    And the Drag and Drop doesn’t work, menu items can’t be opened, etc…

    If I look at the html source, i can see :

    /* <![CDATA[ */
    var userSettings = {“url”:”\/finale\/”,”uid”:”1″,”time”:”1480496887″,”secure”:””};
    /* ]]> */

    where, on my local machine, I have :

    /* <![CDATA[ */
    var userSettings = {“url”:”\/wordpress461\/”,”uid”:”1″,”time”:”1480495007″,”secure”:””};var wpAjax = {“noPerm”:”D\u00e9sol\u00e9, vous n\u2019avez pas l\u2019autorisation de faire cela.”,”broken”:”Une erreur non identifi\u00e9e est survenue.”};var postBoxL10n = {“postBoxEmptyString”:”Glissez les blocs ici”};var navMenuL10n = {“noResultsFound”:”Aucun r\u00e9sultat.”,”warnDeleteMenu”:”Vous \u00eates sur le point de supprimer d\u00e9finitivement ce menu.\n \u00ab Annuler \u00bb pour abandonner, \u00ab OK \u00bb pour le supprimer.”,”saveAlert”:”Les modifications que vous avez faites seront perdues si vous changez de page.”,”untitled”:”(Aucune information)”};
    var menus = {“oneThemeLocationNoMenus”:””,”moveUp”:”Monter d\u2019un cran”,”moveDown”:”Descendre d\u2019un cran”,”moveToTop”:”D\u00e9placer tout en haut”,”moveUnder”:”Placer sous %s”,”moveOutFrom”:”Sortir de sous %s”,”under”:”Sous %s”,”outFrom”:”Sortir de sous %s”,”menuFocus”:”%1$s. \u00c9l\u00e9ment de menu %2$d sur %3$d.”,”subMenuFocus”:”%1$s. Sous-\u00e9l\u00e9ment num\u00e9ro %2$d sous %3$s.”};/* ]]> */

    Have you an idea about what’s going wrong on the server ?
    An authorization thing ?

    Thanks by advance,

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  • Plugin Contributor joelworsham


    Hey there.

    Sorry for the inconvenience. I found the bug and fixed it. There is a new update (1.6.12). Please update and let me know if this is resolved! Thank you for your detailed report on the bug, it really expedited the process for me.

    Plugin Contributor joelworsham


    Can I help you any more with this issue? Is it solved?

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