You are welcome. I would like to use premium add-on in near feature after all issue update. and work smoothy on my web without any confict.
1) I checked compare difference (disabled autosave and revison) still not work correct. Can you check how “simple history plugin” coded and fix issue to make it work pretty like “simple history” basic on “compare view”
2) By the way, is the plugin don’t allow view code change compare similar “simple history”, i enable 100% all log option. And used changed code file many time. But i did not see any change compare view.
I found there is 2 plugin do this good job “sucuri” and “simple history”
3) Can you enable email alert basic on which type log change? There is many number of type log i can not list, so will explain short by text
As my personal, i would like to get alert basic:
+ Admin login success, admin fail login
+ Plugin/theme installed – active – deactive
+ File code change compare