• Resolved Gahsto


    When we submit our feed to various portals (Spotify, iHeart) do those get counted in Blubrry statistics dashboard?


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  • Thread Starter Gahsto



    Plugin Support Shawn


    Sorry for the delay.

    If you’re a Blubrry Media Hosting customer and you submit your show to Spotify, you’ll see Spotify stats in your Blubrry stats dashboard.

    If you submit your show directly to Spotify thru Spotify’s portal, regardless of where you host your media, you’ll see your Spotify stats in the Spotify portal dashboard.

    iHeart stats are available thru iHeart only, regardless of how you host your media files.

    Plugin Author Angelo Mandato


    Hello @bkseoexpert,

    Blubrry Statistics identifies many clients. Currently the only walled gardens are the following…

    • Spotify: they download and re-host the media on their network, unless you are hosting your media through Blubrry Hosting, then Blubrry has your metrics for Spotify
    • iHeartRadio: They download and re-host the media on their network.
    • Google Play podcasts: Google is phasing out Google Play, I would not worry about it

    Everywhere else, Google Podcasts, iOS Apple podcasts, All popular iOS/Android Apps, Stitcher, TuneIn, etc.. are counted by Blurry statistics.


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