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  • Plugin Author codepeople


    Hello @doufenglai,

    Yes of course, simply use a number lesser than 1, for example: 0.5 represents 12 hours (half of day), 0.25 represents 6 hours, 0.21 is approximately 5 hours.

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter doufenglai


    when i set “0.21” days, the page was saved and shows “0 days”. Odes it worked already or not?

    Plugin Author codepeople


    Hello @doufenglai,

    My apologies, this change was included in another plugin that share with this part of the core, please, follow the steps below:

    1. Open the “/wp-content/plugins/sell-downloads/sell-downloads.php” file with the text editor of your choice.

    2. Go to the piece of code:

    update_option('sd_old_download_link', @intval(stripcslashes($_POST['sd_old_download_link'])));

    and edit it as follows:

    update_option('sd_old_download_link', @floatval(stripcslashes($_POST['sd_old_download_link'])));

    and that’s all. Now enter the number 0.21 as attribute’s value in the store’s settings.

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter doufenglai


    Appreciated for your quickly response.
    But when I set 0.0001 days (less than 10 seconds) and wait for 10 second. The download page still is workable.
    download page:

    can you find the issue?

    Thread Starter doufenglai


    I mean i want to find a way to limite the available time of download page . (when the available time is out, the download page shouldn’t be able to open.)

    thanks again.

    Plugin Author codepeople


    Hello @doufenglai,

    I’ve published an update of the plugin (right now), that allows entering time intervals less than 1 day for the download links.

    Best regards.

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