Download Code Not Provided in Auto Email
Hi, I’m using eShop for downloads only. Everything seems to be working fine except the download code is not provided in the auto-generated email after the transaction is completed via PayPal. eShop is in Live mode.
The transaction shows as shipped but indicates a missing download in the table as shown:
Product Name Item or Unit Data Download? Quantity Price Tax Rate Tax amt
How we can help eBook001 : eBook Download Item Missing 1 $0.01 8.05 $0.00
Shipping 1 $0.00
Total paid via Paypal ? $0.01 Total Tax ? $0.00
Total with tax ? $0.01Here is the auto-generated email with missing download code:
Dear chris,
Your order has been received. Thank you!
The details of your order follow…
————— ORDER DETAILS —————
Order Received
Transaction id: 43T04939RG661743K
How we can help eBook001 : eBook
Quantity: 1
Price: $0.01
Sales Tax: $0.00
Shipping Charge: $0.00
Total $0.01
Order placed on 2015-11-22 12:30:00————— DOWNLOAD DETAILS —————
These are available for download via:
Email: [email protected]
Code:————— CUSTOMER DETAILS —————
chris ruotMailing Address:
,————— CONTACT DETAILS —————
Email: [email protected]————— OTHER INFORMATION (if applicable) —————
If you have questions or concerns, please contact us.
Thank you for ordering with us.Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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