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Just enable the classnames setting on the settings page and add one or more classnames.
The way this works is as follows:
The plugin will look for the classname in your document and will remove the Mimetypes link icons (and file sizes) from all links wrapped within that class.
If you want to disable the plugin for a particular link, you may add the class “no_mtli” to the link itself and add “no_mtli” to the list of excluded classes.
If you want to disable the plugin for a particular post – for instance post 123 -, you could add the “post-123” class to the list of excluded classes.
If you want to disable the plugin for all attachment pages, you could add the “type-attachment” class to the list of excluded classes. Just for the image attachment pages ? add the “image-attachment” class.
Please note: Classnames may differ depending on your theme, so look at the html source of the relevant pages to determine which classname(s) to exclude.