Thank you for your interest in SBS.
I’m happy to help you with your questions:
For #1
To make a product mandatorhy (required), the product you wish to make required and edit the product.
Scroll down to:
Step-By-Step Fields (Premium)
(check) RequiredProduct must be in cart in order to check out.
(check) Auto Add To CartAutomatically add to cart when customer navigates to containing page.
This is a feature of our premium product, so you will not be able to do this with the light version. If you go to our main site, you can download a free version of the premium plugin as a trial to test this. (https://stepbystepsys.com)
For #2
This is a feature of our premium plugin. You can set this in the Woocommerce categories section when you set up a specific category.
For #3
Make sure the page you are establishing for Step-By-Step is a page that only uses the short-code for step-by-step. There should be nothing below that, other than perhaps a footer. If you wish to use our Widgets, you will need to establish the page as a page with a sidebar. The sidebar should include these widgets “WooCommerce Cart Totals” and “Cart”.
If you want use to take a closer look for you, please feel free to contact our support at: https://stepbystepsys.com/contact/