• Hi

    For some reason my blog started to show double posts and double comment forms when clicking on the post page alone.
    It doens’t show up like that just on the main page, but it’s causing confusion for my visitors.

    As far as I can remember, I haven’t made any new changes to cause this, however my host made some upgrades to their MySQL.

    Does anyone know what could be causing this issue?

    My blog is here ? https://www.xerraireart.com/blog

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  • Hi xerraire — I just noticed this, too, as of the other day. The “home” blog page is fine, but the “pages” and “posts” and archived summaries are all doubled – repeated again at the bottom of the first set displayed. I am using 2.05. I will check with my hosting company about the MySQL situation. If you find out anything please let me know, and likewise from me. You can see my problems at www/gemland.net/webblog

    I called my hosting company, and they assure me that nothing has changed within the last month with MySQL. No upgrades or server migrations.
    And I, of course, had done nothing that I know of in WordPress to cause this. Haven’t changed anything. And don’t know for sure when it even started. Haven’t installed any plug-ins. The only one in there is Akismet, which came with the package.
    I have tried everything I can think of to try and correct this problem. Tried other people’s fixes from the support forum, and those weren’t the problem here, I don’t think. Changed settings within WordPress, and even deleted and re-entered a post. The problem occurs when I merely save a post as a draft. At that point it even appears doubled when previewing it. Publishing is not necessary to double it.

    Sorry, here is a link to see the above problem: ‘https://www.gemland.net/webblog/?p=40’

    I have the same problem plus my search doesn’t work anymore. I didn’t change anything, and I did not install any new plugins. I use WP 2.0.3.

    Did you find a solution?

    Blog -> Blog

    Oh, I ave the same problem since somes days. I use WP 2.0.5.


    Please, HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I dont follow – when I look at the mentioned sites, I can’t see the “double posts”??

    And also upgrade to latest Wp version if you aint done so already.

    Try this: https://www.heinzlamers.de/?page_id=7#
    Here you can see the problem!

    If you are using any plugins to add contact forms, then disable them and try.

    Also you are using a page as a contact form – so I assume there is something in the page when you go to edit that page – its probably duplicated. Paste what is in the page code (i.e. cut and pase from the Edit window)

    And if using wp 2.0.5 – then its old, upgrade.

    First, yes I have an old version.

    Second, I have all plugins disabled, but that didn’t fixed the bug. And I have the same problem at the comments: i.e. https://www.heinzlamers.de/2008/06/27/em-hymne-2008-white-stripes/#respond

    I don’t know what happened.


    What happens if you switch to the default or classic themes?

    Nothing else, same problem.

    But I forgot to say, that I became since some days spams about my contactform-plugin. Two mails from 1 spammer. The spammer filled in 1 formular, but 2 emails came in.

    Shaqkcne wrote cheap valium etc.

    Because of that I installed another contactform-plugin.

    Perhaps there is a context between the spammer and the doubled display of the content in pages and comments.

    Well disable the contact form plugin and try.

    If still nothing, then upgrade to latest version of wp.

    You might have been hacked – but wont know till you upgrade and find out if its the files or the db.

    Hi Hotkey,

    Today I installed the actually wordpress-version 2.5.1.
    The bug is fixed.

    Thank you!!!!!!!!!!


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