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  • Hi there johnandres21,

    Thanks for posting! The MailChimp List Subscribe Form plugin will always be a double opt-in subscribe method. This is the default within your MailChimp account as well.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions and I’ll be happy to help.


    Is there a way to disable it in the code, such as?

    $double_optin=true” and change it to “$double_optin=false”

    Hi there b-summers,

    This plugin will always be double opt-in. If you’re looking for single opt-in forms, other plugins using the MailChimp API may offer this functionality.

    Let me know if there’s anything else I can assist with!


    Actually with some Googling I found out how to do this.


    1. Login to WordPress
    2. Go to Plugins > Editor
    3. In the drop down on the righthand side, choose ‘Mailchimp’
    4. Click on the link titled ‘mailchimp/mailchimp.php’
    5. Do a search on the page for ‘listSubscribe’
    6. You will find something that looks like this:

    $retval = $api->listSubscribe( $listId, $email, $merge, $email_type);

    7. Add ‘false’ to the end so it looks like this:

    $retval = $api->listSubscribe( $listId, $email, $merge, $email_type, false);

    8. Search for the text ‘Success, you’ve been signed up! Please look for our confirmation email!’

    And change this so it doesn’t say ‘look for our confirmation email’, as they won’t be getting one anymore.

    9. Press the blue ‘update file’ button at the bottom of the page.


    Hey there b-summers, thanks for sharing your workaround!

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