Dear @webster_r
I beg your pardon, the lines of the previous code were intended for the Pro version of the plugin. Since you are using the Free version, the code will be a little bit different.
Please try to add this peace of code to your functions.php file:
if ( class_exists( 'Woo_Live_Checkout_Field_Capture_Public' ) ){
$wclcfc_public = new Woo_Live_Checkout_Field_Capture_Public( WCLCFC_PLUGIN_NAME_SLUG, WCLCFC_VERSION_NUMBER );
add_action( 'woocommerce_before_checkout_form', array($wclcfc_public, 'add_additional_scripts_on_checkout' ) );
If the above fails then you could try using the second version:
if ( class_exists( 'Woo_Live_Checkout_Field_Capture_Public' ) ){
$wclcfc_public = new Woo_Live_Checkout_Field_Capture_Public( WCLCFC_PLUGIN_NAME_SLUG, WCLCFC_VERSION_NUMBER );
add_action( 'wp_loaded', array($wclcfc_public, 'add_additional_scripts_on_checkout' ) );
The first uses another hook to be inserted in the checkout page. However the second one actually forces our plugin to be inserted on all WordPress pages including Checkout page.