• itsumonotakumi




    • セットアップできない不具合が発生したのに、返金期間を過ぎるまでほとんど利用できませんでした。
    • サポートは一切自力で再現確認する努力をしない
    • 彼らにソースコードを送っても、まともに確認しません。
    • 彼らは不具合を修正する名目で、顧客のセキュリティリスクを省みずにWordPress管理コンソールに侵入しようとします。
    • 仕方がないので、このプラグインの不具合を確認するだけのために、検証環境を構築させられました。(半日以上も工数を費やすはめになりました)
    • このレビューを書く日まで、未だに正式な改修もなく、メドの連絡もありません。
    • 最後まで不具合に対する謝罪など、誠意ある言葉はありませんでした。
    • もちろん彼らは、このプラグインが使えなかった期間の補填は一切しません。


    The concept of this plugin is not bad, but you cannot use this plugin unless you are a pro version. Almost this function is for pro version.

    However, the pro version’s support service is quite bad.
    Worst support , not premium support.

    My damage is as follows.

    • I could not set up for a long time, but it was not available until after the refund period. </ li>
    • They tries to break into the WordPress admin console without sacrificing customer security risks, in the propose of fixing their glitches. They can not think customer security.</ li>
    • They do not make any effort to reproduce their plugin’s bug by themselves </ li>
    • When I send the source code of problem pages, they did not check correctly. </ li>
    • I set up a verification environment just to check the bug of this plugin because they do not strive. (Spent more than half a day) </ li>
    • They didn’t say any sincere words, such as an apology for a bug. </ li>
    • Of course, there was no compensation for the period that I could not be used. </ li>

    This plugin should only be used by those who can endure such worst support.
    At least I plan to end use at the next update timing.

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  • Thread Starter itsumonotakumi


    By the way, the state of the malfunction is like this. I couldn’t do anything with this plugin.




    This is a completely false review.

    First, this plugin can be used without the PRO version. Almost all functions of the plugin are available in the free version.

    You had a problem with the plugin, but we wanted to find out what the reason was, so I asked you for access. I couldn’t diagnose the problem any other way.
    As a result, I logged in to your test site and immediately found a problem – it’s not compatible with the plugin CSS files of your theme(Why does the theme apply its own styles in the admin area of the site?). I replied to you in an email 3 hours after I got access to the test site.
    In the end, it wasn’t our bug.

    Bad tech support would ignore your message about the problem or make a refund right away .
    We also try to help users, as well as find the cause of problems , to fix them and prevent them from other users.

    Thread Starter itsumonotakumi


    “In the end, it wasn’t our bug.” was completely false and selfish.
    This is the plugin developer’s overlooked and sloppy.

    It is their way to state their mistakes and bug as customer mistakes.
    They think that it is the user’s responsibility that the program does not work.
    Their support is just a little quick response, not polite.

    By the way, no formal fix has been made yet.

    Thread Starter itsumonotakumi


    Their support has not fixed this small bug yet. Is this correct “Premium support”? No, this is poor support.

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