• Hello,

    I’m using in a composer based WordPress stack and I’m having issues with with your plugin dependencies. Choosing Composer in the context of a WordPress plugin implies certain prerequisites and responsabilities. You have three (unique) solutions:

    • Provide your plugin without autoload/vendor via Composer (as Yoast or ACF do) so that a WordPress project managed with Composer (which is very often the case on “pro” sites using Bedrock or equivalent stacks) is aware of your dependencies/constraints and can warn the user of a compatibility problem or manage the constraints of other dependencies (the whole point of a dependency manager).
    • Prefix your dependencies (for example, with Yoast), which allows you to isolate your dependencies (by automatically modifying their namespace – PHPScoper does this very well) and avoid conflicts.
    • You may provide a bundled plugin, but composing it should only be used for its autoload functionality (no dependencies).

    Your plugin is using very popular dependencies (Monolog, Guzzle) that may conflict with a user based installation or another plugin.

    If you intend to use external dependencies, please do it the right way.

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