Don’t show S3 keys in source code / someone else could access the entire bucket
I noticed some plugins show and some don’t show passwords and API keys in the page source code. Updraft unfortunately shows the keys.
Let’s say you have an S3 storage that accesses one bucket. Other client projects (websites) are uploaded to the same bucket. They might have a different key, but not all storage provider allow separation by access keys. It’s all in the bucket.
A client who can access Updraft, is able to access the keys. They are not visible in Updraft → Settings → S3, but they are visible if you just look at the source code of that page.
Basically that means, the client will get all access codes to the entire bucket, which is a huge security and privacy issue actually.
Other plugins don’t show the keys in the source code, but Updraft does, and I hope there is a way around this.
<input class="updraft_input--wide udc-wd-600" data-updraft_settings_test="secretkey" type="password" autocomplete="off" id="updraft_s3generic_secretkey_s-1234567890" name="updraft_s3generic[settings][s-1234567890][secretkey]" value="1234567890">
Edit: just tested it.
You can get FULL ACCESS to the bucket. I understand this might work differently for each S3 storage provider
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