• Hi,

    we are taking over an older WordPress Website. The Developer is no longer in Business so we need to make sure all the Content will be available in the new Version.

    The thing is: We don’t need the Types Plugin. Don′t get me wrong – I think it is a great Plugin with great features! But for this particular site it is too much. It can be done easily with standard WordPress features.

    So my question: How do I get all the Content from the “Custom Fields” into the standard WordPress Posts. For example – there is a custom post type “Team”. I want to have all the Team Members in the Posts, so I can assign them to a category named “Team”.

    Thanks for your help in advance!


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  • Anonymous User 14808221


    When you disable Toolset Types, in the WordPress Admin it’ll look like everything is gone.
    But it’s not, it’s still in the database.

    Hence, you could use WordPress API (get_posts() and get_post_meta()) to retireve that data and display it with PHP:

    If you want to manage it all in the WordPress Admin, means in the Post Content Only, then you need somehow to export those existing Posts and Fields, then “merge” them into one text each post and re-import as native posts.

    Logically, this requires a manual edit, as the export will export Post Body AND fields as separated values.
    To import those into a single post body, you need to manually edit the export or apply the custom code, that gets the post meta and body of post-A and updates the Post-B with it
    In my Pastebin here there are few snippets that can help with this:

    Thread Starter MikkelCrunch



    thank you very much for your answer. I′ll look into this and will write about it, how it is going on.

    Have a nice Weekend.

    Thanks again!

    Anonymous User 14808221


    OK, any doubt, I am here!

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