• Yikes, this was my very first WP blog: https://www.thenaica.org/wordpress

    It’s sooooo old it is no longer supported in any browser. I can not look at any of the posts. There is a lot of great content, including podcasts, that I want to be searchable. There were many contributors to that blog as well who use it as a calling card to get writing gigs. I have been woefully lax in updating/migrating the content to the latest WP version.

    Problem is I don’t know how to (with this version) to back up the database so i can then import the file to the latest version which I realize I will have to manual install.

    Perhaps, DL latest wp version to a separate folder…but how to get content from this blog to load into new?

    Advice, ideas, anyone have to do this recently and know what should be done? Willing to share knowledge?

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  • Thread Starter mariacharmer


    So I tried the auto upgrade through dashboard for this site. I got this message:
    The update cannot be installed because WordPress 3.0.1 requires MySQL version 4.1.2 or higher. You are running version 4.0.30.

    Installation Failed

    I called Godaddy. Their suggestion was to create a new database with their easy installer and then restore the old database to that new database. I told her how you guys here said that would break the database. She said: “Well you will have to do some reconfiguring…” LOL, whatever that means…so am I stuck? Is it possible to create the new database and restore the old one based on php4.0.30? I guess I’d lose images, links, audio etc and maybe my theme wouldn’t work but If I have all the text that would satisfy me because I have all the visual/audio content in folders on my server and back up to disc.

    Any ideas? I known you say not to listen to them but what’s the alternative?

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