wow really? Fantastic news!
So I have to set a “woocommerce pseudo-product” with a cost of R$ 0 and after my click on the buy/doante button the donator will be redirect to cielo′s website in wich he/she will have to fill all the infos regarding the operation, including the amout of the donation?
Sorry for that loooong question but after some hours struggling with cielo′s manuals and cielo′s lack of effective support i′m really pretty lost, you know?
I also know that we have to send a parameter regarding autorization along with the call and according with Brazilian laws all donators must be identified to avoid money laundry etc. That -parameter according with cielo′s manual is <autorizar>1</autorizar>
So,Claudio can you please elaborate jus a little bit more or give me on the track to achieve my goal?
ThankyouVERY MUCH for your time and support ??