• I’m using WordPress 3.5.1 and I just installed CubePoints. I didn’t have any error not until I activated the “Donate” module. I got this error above my pages

    Warning: _() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in /home/myhost/public_html/wp-content/plugins/cubepoints/modules/donate/donate.php on line 165

    And when I try clicking on the “Donate” button on my CubePoints widget to search for a user, it can’t find the user and will just output multiple radio buttons labeled as “undefined”.

    I’m afraid that CubePoints 3.2.1 is not fully compatible with WordPress 3.5.1



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  • Same error for me!

    Change this in line 165:
    'somethingWentWrongText' => _('Oops, something went wrong! Please try again later.', 'cp')

    To this:

    'somethingWentWrongText' => __('Oops, something went wrong! Please try again later.', 'cp')

    It’s missing an underscore.

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