Dear albertologicstudio,
Thanks for your post.
Usually, when migrating the database from one domain to another, this issue appears because the links of images are saved with the old domain to the new one and as a result, the images are broken.
For fixing this issue it will be necessary to apply some changes in the PHPMyAdmin, i.e. in the database.
1) Please go to your PHPMyAdmin > domains database >SQL
2) After add
UPDATE wp_huge_itgallery_images
SET image_url = REPLACE(image_url, ‘YourOldDomain’, ‘NewDomain’) WHERE image_url LIKE ‘YourOldDomain%’
replacing OldDomain and NewDomain with your domain names
3) click on “Go” for running the process:
4) while the process is running you need to change the URLs of images to the correct ones: . The URLs should be changed manually from the old domain to the new one.
For making sure how the correct URL will look like, you can add an image from the Media Library to our gallery in order to check how the new URL is generated and then change old ones according to the exemplified URL added to the gallery for the test.
Hope this will be useful.
We will wait for your feedback.