• My website (PDXchat.com) was hosted by TMDhosting.com, but recently moved the entire server to HostGator. Before the move the domain mapping worked correctly, but after the move things don’t resolve correctly. Here are the symptoms, any advice would be appreciated.

    1. When logged into the PDXchat community and visiting a site hosted on PDXchat, the admin bar use to appear at the top of the screen. I it longer longer shows even thought the admin option is set to show it.

    2. In the Admin Domain Mapping settings, I have to set admin pages to use the subfolder url, otherwise the redirect string does nothing but send the visitor back to the home page of the website.

    3. Emails sent through Contact Forms on hosted site (with their own URL) no longer resolve the pdxchat.com eMail address.

    Thank you for any assistance.

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  • I have the same issue.

    Domain mapping removes both my admin bar and the CometChat bar I have installed through hooks into wp_header and wp_footer. It worked on all sites, but once a site is domain mapped, these things disappear.

    Thread Starter bejarana


    Crickets…Does anyone still use this support system? If noone online can help, does anyone have contact info of someone I can contact?


    You’ve got a lot going on, and some of it may need professional help.

    Moving servers can sometimes mean there’s a few things on the new server you have to set up.

    So – have you checked out your error logs?

    Thread Starter bejarana


    Didn’t even think to look at the log… I have hundreds of entries. Here is one of them, they all seem fairly similar.

    [10-Aug-2010 20:11:17] PHP Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening ‘/home/pdxchat/public_html/wp-content/themes/mepnew/searhform.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/pdxchat/public_html/wp-content/themes/mepnew/404.php on line 11

    Well, that one is theme related, looks like.

    My issue still seems to be through things hooking into the wp_head and wp_footer, which is what both the admin bar and CometChat link through. Does Domain Mapping trick WordPress into thinking it is on another server, thus ignoring those hooks?…Looks like I will have to hard code my chat bar into every theme, boo hoo.

    Does Domain Mapping trick WordPress into thinking it is on another server, thus ignoring those hooks?

    No, it doesn’t.

    But if it’s still allowing remote logins and keeping the original url (subfolder or subdomains) some plugins go a little wiggy because they aren’t pulling the mapped value.

    For example, those hooks work perfectly fine at wordpress.com, which uses a very similar plugin to do their domain mapping.

    I can also confirm the hooks work on mapped domains, as expected, when the original address is edited to reflect the mapped domain.

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