Domain Mapping 4.5 multisite
I’m with Dreamhost I have 6 real domains, set up multisite on 1 of them. Created 5 subsites using the names of my real sites in sub-directory format. Trying to map the 1st site & having nothing but issues. Please Help trying to set my 20 yr old Autistic son up so he can launch an business as an artist.
Let’s just trim out that one record and leave redirect alone.
Im chatting with agent now
this agent says he understands & then leads me astray only to tell me that he thought i wanted something else after he had me redirect before i seen your post – i have fully hosted which is suppose to kill the redirect. I did delete the A record also.
DH agent did say this
Andres GThe only option to delete the A record the system gives you for a domain is removing the hosting setting the domain to redirect or DNS Only so it can point only to your custom ones
here was the whole conversation
Andres G
Customer support
Lewisim having issues mapping a site to a wordpress mutisiteChat started
Andres G joined the chatAndres GHello Lewis
LewishelloAndres GAre you trying to redirect a domain to a multisite?
Lewisi guess thats what maybe you call iti builmultisite on
then created a subsite on that called
and now am trying to map to it
Andres GDid you try to update the database url to point to ? or set the domain as redirect via DreamHost panel?
Lewisi have 6 site with dreamhost & trying to build them all from within multisitei havent tried redirect
Andres GI understand, my recommendation will be to try to set the redirect to the desired destination via Domains >Manage Domains and click edit in the web hosting column
Lewisi added custom A record for with ssgalleries IPthis part of your question i dont really understand — Did you try to update the database url to point to ?
Andres GTo let the server to only look for the custom A record for you need to set the domain as DNS Only, getting the domain fully hosted will make the DNS to point to both A records (the custom and the one for the fully host option)
Lewisso delete the A record & do a redirect ?i tried to do DNS but it kept saying my addres wrong
ok so what do you want me to do 1st ?
delete a record ?
Andres GRedirect will be the best option and remove the A record is my subsite so redirect here ?
Andres Gyes
Lewisi think iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ould have said thisinside wordpress multisite when i click visit it goes to alteredmisfitz but get a 404 error when trying to go to the dashboard
before the redirect
when i click alterds dashboard it now takes me to
Andres GGotcha! Lewis we do not provide technical support for WordPress multisite, I thought you were trying to make to goes to a page inside the multisite this is why I recommend the redirect
Lewisso redirect is not the answer ?Andres GRedirect will be the answer to make to go to but not to connect an empty content for site to the multisite
Lewisso then you cant help me ?Andres GFor what you try to accomplish managing the URLs for a multisite, this will be something directly associated to the web development since we do not provide support on multisite
Here you can get more information about the multisite on DreamHost:
I find out a 3rd party link that might help in this case:
Is not from DreamHost but could be useful for the multisite
Lewisok tyAndres GYou are welcome
Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
Lewisquestion ? is it possable to have an a record deleted ?Andres GYou can delete a custom A record you added
Lewisthe one you gave me ?Andres GThe one you added for ?
Lewisi can delete tone i madeim wondering is yours interferring with mine ?
Andres GThe only option to delete the A record the system gives you for a domain is removing the hosting setting the domain to redirect or DNS Only so it can point only to your custom ones
Lewisim not sure what all that means but ty for the answerAndres GDo you need some particular A records for a domain?
Lewisas i triey to figure out my multisiteAndres GDo you need to check some A records for a particular domain?*
Lewisin mutisite mapping directions it says create an A record pointing to the sitetrust me ive read so much i feel like im lost
Andres GSo far, I check the DNS for and I do see only 1 A record, you can check the DNS here
Lewisno alteredmisfitz.comhow do i stop the redirect ?
Andres GTo stop the redirect you can go to Domains > Manage Domains and click edit so you can choose the desired hosting option like fully host, dns only, mirror
Lewisi clicked fully host this domain but its still redirectedAndres GIt can take a few minutes to save the changes and no longer redirect
Type your message hereOK A record deleted & redirect is un redirected back to where we started.
Okay, I’m looking at the DNS A A
We need to edit that to
Redirect won’t work as the server acts like it needs to know about the domain name (I already looked).
I also found these two set properly A A
And the last two set wrong A A
So you can work on fixing the DNS via Dreamhost or else work on getting ‘lewis and sandy’ running right now
Interestingly, is pointing at the right server and showing a WordPress installed there but I can’t tell if it’s a discrete install or your multisite it is showing… is pointing into its own directory on that server with no WordPress answering there.
That seems to be enough info there looking at those various pieces to see what you need to do yet when you add in the multisite’s set up which is working exactly right.
So, look at all that intently, and then let me know what you need next.
ty very much yes is multisite no wordpress – completely empty no wordpress – completely has its own wordpress & some pages has its own wordpress & some pages has its own wordpress & some pageswhich is why i decided to do first because it is empty
but I am with you since the below is set properly lets do the easy thing 1st. A so i went to Network Admin: ssgalleriesllc Sites
then to sites
on went to Edit and in the
Site Address (URL) replaced with
save changesthen click visit which takes me to is almost here!
Upload your website to get started.Need help? Admin Panel
but when i click dashboard i get this
Not Found
The requested URL was not found on this server.Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
I will stand by…
Need you to go back into dashboard –> My Sites –> Network Admin –> Sites
And select Settings then copy the siteurl which should be the domain name (with https:// (or https:// ) whatever it is now) to ‘home’ also then save!
That is probably set to the old (main) domain name with subdirectory right now.
This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by
Also, the domain needs to point at the webroot directory on the server to match whatever the main domain is set to. You might need help from your webhost for that as that needs to be done via the control panel.
You’re doing well!
ty for the help but I have been looking at these last 2 replys & I am totally confused – I think we are talking different languages or seeing different things
this is what i see or think you want me to go to EDIt
lewispalmeter – Just another ssgalleriesllc Sites siteEdit | Dashboard | Deactivate | Archive | Spam | Delete | Visit
in (settings) I already have the
siteurl as
home as
that has already been saved…working on your second request now
This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by
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