DoExpressCheckoutPayment API call failed.
Error Code: 10001
Error Severity Code: Error
Short Error Message: Internal Error
Detailed Error Message: Internal ErrorThis seems to be causing several different issues all involving the information being passed back to WooCommerce from PayPal.
I found a Stackoverflow answer to a similar question which stated to avoid using urlencode() on the return URL. I do see you use the plugin dies use it on line 632 in /paypal-for-woocommerce/classes/wc-gateway-paypal-express-angelleye.php
This is what Stackoverflow said:
I solved this problem with this:
AVOID using “urlencode()” to encode the params, save your data as normal.
array( 'RETURNURL' => '', //without urlencode() 'CANCELURL' => '' //without urlencode() );
USE http_build_query($request) in the moment before sending it via “Curl” like this:
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS , http_build_query($request));
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