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  • Could you please enable Debug in the Advanced tab and send me the URL of your site?

    Thread Starter Hassan


    The site is local.

    I just realized that on the default language of the site, the widget shows terms of both languages, i.e. original terms and their translations together in the tag cloud. However, when switching to another language (not default) the cloud is empty (no terms).

    Do you have a copy of WPML? Can you test this?

    I’ve enabled Debug output, but it did not show anything.

    I tested it locally when developing the feature and it worked for me, I’ve had other people report problems as well so there seems to be something going on.

    The debug output will not show anything publicly, if you view the page source you will se a large HTML comment starting with <!-- Ultimate Tag Cloud debug output or something like that. That is the debug information which I’m interested in.

    Thread Starter Hassan


    Oh, I was thinking it would output something on the page.

    So, I just looked at the page source, and that’s a whole lot of debug data in there! I’ve also noticed that some sensitive data (such as database user and password) are included in that output. Why?!

    The plugin is constructed never to reveal such information, I will investigate this immediately.

    Version 2.3.1 has just been released fixing this issue, thank you for reporting it.

    Thread Starter Hassan


    Thanks Rickard for your quick reaction.

    The WPML issue is still there. Did you test it with WPML?

    I am using 2.3.1 and am also experiencing this issue. I really need to deliver this website to our client.

    Please take another look Rickard. It would be much appreciated.

    I just tested the WPML integration again and it’s still working for me, here are some screenshots showing the feature working for me:

    I’ve got my tags translated into two languages:

    Just tested with WPML 2.9.2 and it’s still working. Previous version was 2.7.x and that was working as well before I upgraded.

    Is there any possibility of you giving me some way to debug this on your site? Or maybe providing more information about your installation to be able to debug this further. If you could post or e-mail me the debug output (explained above) that would be really helpful.

    You can reach me at rickard @

    Thread Starter Hassan


    I think I’ve figured what’s happening here. The issue appears to be with custom post types and custom taxonomies.

    Using the widget to display a tag cloud for the standard WordPress posts with the standard tag taxonomy works fine. However, issues arise when trying to display custom taxonomy terms assigned to custom post types. Or, at least that’s what’s happening with me.

    I bet @nerogun above is also trying to display a tag cloud for a custom taxonomy.

    Thank you for your feedback. I will test WPML with custom taxonomies tomorrow, don’t have time to dig into that now.

    Thread Starter Hassan


    No rush, this is free software.. heh ??

    Found the issue now, apparently custom taxonomies is handled in a different way from regular tags and categories.

    Will include the fix in 2.4 which I will release shortly.

    Thank you for your help in debugging this.

    Just pushed 2.4 beta2, if you would like to try it with the WPML fix you can find it here:

    I think I’ll release 2.4 tomorrow evening if no issues are reported with the beta.

    Thread Starter Hassan


    Yep, I can confirm the fix is working in the beta. You may now release v2.4, sir.

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