Here’s my code, and instructions for editing your installation.
First, make a backup of your site.
Then go to the admin interface of your WordPress site. In the side menu, select Plugins -> Plugin Editor. In the plugin editor, select Table of Contents Plus. In the list of files, select front.js.
In the editor window, scroll down until about line 133, where you should see this
$('#toc_container p.toc_title').append(' <span class="toc_toggle">[<a href="#">' + visibility_text + '</a>]</span>');
Replace everything from that line until the end of file (around line 170) with the following code:
$('#toc_container p.toc_title').append(' <span class="toc_toggle">[<a href="#">' + visibility_text + '</a>]</span>');
if ( visibility_text == tocplus.visibility_show ) {
$('span.toc_toggle a').addClass('toc_toggle_show');
} else {
$('span.toc_toggle a').addClass('toc_toggle_hide');
$('span.toc_toggle a').click(function(event) {
if ($(this).hasClass('toc_toggle_hide')) {
if ( $.cookie ) {
if ( invert )
$.cookie('tocplus_hidetoc', null, { path: '/' });
$.cookie('tocplus_hidetoc', '1', { expires: 30, path: '/' });
} else { // must have class 'toc_toggle_show'
if ( $.cookie ) {
if ( invert )
$.cookie('tocplus_hidetoc', '1', { expires: 30, path: '/' });
$.cookie('tocplus_hidetoc', null, { path: '/' });
$('#toc_container').css('width', tocplus.width).removeClass('contracted');
Save the front.js file.
Select all and copy the entire contents of front.js into front.min.js. front.min.js is supposed to be a minified version of front.js, but we’ll just make it an identical copy, not minified.
Save the front.min.js file.
Test it. Restore from backup if it doesn’t work.