• Hello.
    Thanks for great plugin, I would like to donate it, but I have one problem.
    Everything is working great but! When is at article some headline (2,3,4,5, etc..), for example:
    My content
    [shc_shortcode class=”shc_mybox”]
    Headline 4
    some text
    It look like this:
    My content
    Headline 4
    [shc_shortcode class=”shc_mybox”]
    some text
    This is happening too, when we have at article images with caption, like here: [caption id="attachment_47440" align="aligncenter" width="750"]<img class=”size-large wp-image-47440″ src=”https://interez.sk/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/tajna-miestnost-750×514.jpg&#8221; alt=”blabla” width=”750″ height=”514″ /> blabla[/caption]

    Can u help us? Where can be the problem?


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