• Resolved DeezNotes


    When using the iTunes Link Maker https://itunes.apple.com/linkmaker/ I cannot get it to transform URLs when using the “small button” HTML with Link option. The text only option works fine.

    For example…

    this works:
    <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/taxman/id401136641?i=401136642&uo=4" target="itunes_store">Taxman - Revolver</a>

    this does not work:
    <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/taxman/id401136641?i=401136642&uo=4" target="itunes_store"><img src="https://r.mzstatic.com/images/web/linkmaker/badge_itunes-sm.gif" alt="Taxman - Revolver" style="border: 0;"/></a>


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  • Thread Starter DeezNotes


    I figured out the cause of my issue. It’s not related to the text or small icon option.

    The plugin is “tuned” for apps. I am using this solely based on music, so I had to change the source URL in the code.

    I made (2) changes on line 91 in the file itunes-affiliate-pro/itunes-affiliate-pro.php

    preg_match_all("/<a href=\"https:\/\/itunes.apple.com\/us\/album\/(.*?)\".*?>(.*?)<\/a>/i", $text, $matches);

    Maybe in the future, the plugin can be coded for various types of iTunes objects?

    Plugin Author Jorge A. Gonzalez


    Let me see what I can do about this.

    Plugin Author Jorge A. Gonzalez


    Version 1.3 deals with this issue and now works for all iTunes objects.

    @deeznotes – Can you let me know if this is working properly on your site?

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