• luis zuluaga


    Hello I am trying to work with this wonderfull plugin using an elementor pop up but it no is posssible. I think the reason is because elementor pop up doesnt load the CF7 forms until the pop up is open, so the js initialization for this plugin tun only when the page is loaded. I found a temporally solution. I should like a better solution.

    if ('undefined' !== typeof jQuery) {
        jQuery(document).on('elementor/popup/show', function (event, id) {        
                //Codigo para que funcione las banderas en los campos telefonos cuando hay un pop up
                    jQuery('.wpcf7-intl-tel').each(function () {
                    	var intl_tel_input = jQuery(this);
                    	var additional_settings = {};
                    	var initialCountry = {};
                    	if (undefined != intl_tel_input.data('preferredcountries') && '' != intl_tel_input.data('preferredcountries')) {
                    		additional_settings.preferredCountries = intl_tel_input.data('preferredcountries').split('-');
                    	if (undefined != intl_tel_input.data('initialcountry') && '' != intl_tel_input.data('initialcountry')) {
                    		initialCountry = intl_tel_input.data('initialcountry');
                    	} else {
                    		initialCountry = "auto";
                    	var intl_tel_default_setting = {
                    		initialCountry: initialCountry,
                    		utilsScript: wpcf7_utils_url,
                    		geoIpLookup: function (callback) {
                    			jQuery.get('//extreme-ip-lookup.com/json', function () { }, "jsonp").always(function (resp) {
                    				var countryCode = (resp && resp.countryCode) ? resp.countryCode : "";
                    	intl_tel_input.intlTelInput(intl_tel_object_assign([intl_tel_default_setting, additional_settings]));
                    	var intl_tel_container = intl_tel_input.parents('span')[0];
                    	var intl_tel_form = intl_tel_input.parents('form');
                    	intl_tel_form.submit(function () {
                //termina Código para que funcione las banderas en los campos telefonos cuando hay un pop up
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