Let us address each of your concerns one by one.
This plugin doesn’t work with existing forms.
It does work with existing forms. Once, any submission happens in an existing form, it will start populating data for that form.
However, what it doesn’t do is, that it can’t show any previously submitted data, prior to the installation of SCF7
It doesn’t work with forms which have html markup.
We will check this. Can you please provide more details? What kind of HTML Markup have you used?
Also, this plugin create extra table in DB, and after deactivation and removing the table which was created by this plugin still exists in DB.
Yes, correct. We have to create extra table, because CF7 doesn’t record anything, it just sends an email. So, if we wanted to show the data we had to record it somewhere.
Yes, correct. We do not remove the table and data from the database. But, its intentional, because we wouldn’t want user to lose their data, just because they decide to no use our plugin anymore.