• I have downgraded my review from 3-stars to 2-stars. After working with this a few days, it appears that not only are there ongoing problems which are difficult to root out, but mentioning them in a review is seen as “asking for support” and gives an excuse to remove the only review that straightforwardly pointed out some of the problems with the theme.
    This is one way to ensure that you only get 5-star reviews, but that just makes the entire reviewing system useless. As had been requested, I had posted a request for help over at GitHub, as I had been advised (which has received no response that I’m aware of as I write this). Over here, I simply added to the review I had written about the fact that the theme needs work, and the things that still do not work.
    Unfortunately, I cannot tell you about the things in the theme that do not work: I don’t want to be seen as “asking for support,” and thus giving a reason to take down the review. (Although I suspect it will be taken down, anyway, because it is a negative review. But perhaps that will kill two birds for the developers with one stone: I won’t ever post another review here again if that happens.)
    If you have simple needs for your website, this plugin may work for you. It has real promise. Much of what I wanted to do with it worked. (But, again, I can’t tell you about the things that didn’t, so you’ll have to learn that on your own.)
    For my part, mostly based on the way my review was handled, I have gone back into development on my theme, with the aim of not using Grigora Blocks in the future.

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