• Can’t get the plugin to work on my multisite. Installed via ‘upload zip file’ method, then network-activated.

    I’ve looked through the database and stepped through the code. The database table the plugin installed is named ‘wp_bot_block_block_list’. In the code, the data member ‘master_table_name’ has the value ‘wp_4_bot_block_block_list’ (4 is the blog ID of the site I am testing on), so the check to does_master_table_exist() fails.

    Is this a known issue? Am I using it incorrectly? Is there a work-around?



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  • Plugin Author Ricky Dawn


    I’m afraid we haven’t looked at making it multi site compatible, we will fix this in a future update but I cannot say when that will be, sorry!

    Are there any quick fixes for it for the time being? I have a multisite install and on a domain I have mapped as a translation I get:

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in domain/www/wp-content/plugins/bot-block-stop-spam-google-analytics-referrals/bot-block.php on line 188

    I don’t get this error on the main domain however.

    Thread Starter advanceweb


    We haven’t actually tried this, but maybe something like this might help. Note that, even if this works, it is a QUICK FIX ONLY, as it is modifying the plugin file directly, and so will be overwritten whenever the plugin is re-installed or upgraded. Also, it will cause ALL sites on the multi-site to share the same list.

    In bot-block.php, try changing lines in the constructor from:

    		$this->master_table_name = $wpdb->prefix . 'bot_block_block_list';
    		$this->log_table_name = $wpdb->prefix . 'bot_block_log';


    		$this->master_table_name = $wpdb->base_prefix . 'bot_block_block_list';
    		$this->log_table_name = $wpdb->base_prefix . 'bot_block_log';


    I will give it a go thanks. I guess the alternative is to block bots with the .htaccess files for each site but I’d rather not have to do this and keep updating it. Is there any possibility that the plugin will be updated to work for multisite in the near future?



    Another Workaround:

    Disable Network Wide and enable on each site seperately.

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