This is Ascetica’s demo:
As you can see widgets in the Subsidiary area are properly displayed.
Theme support for Ascetica is offered exclusively on ThemeHybrid (, not on (it’s not even listed there) – check the theme credit links.
Even then, you could simply use the “Bug Report” option on, if you think it’s a technical bug. I don’t charge for fixing theme bugs – I’m naturally interested in improving the product.
On top of that, I do check the support forums here and could have answered your question if you didn’t expect me to spend all my time here and if you weren’t in such hurry to leave this senseless review (the same day you posted your question).
“Back in the day”, theme developers used to get some appreciation for the mere fact they’ve spent weeks and months to contribute to the WordPress community by giving away the products of their work.
I guess this wrongful “review” is your contribution to the community. Well, thank you.