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  • I have same problem – The config panel is total broken, viz screenshot . Where is the problem?

    tomaskrause you can edit your own posts up to an hour after you make them.

    Version 1.04 is screwed…version 1.02 works well for me…the problem seems to exist in the $abdir variable, it hardcode the plugin directory and the value was funny (try deleting the word ‘/aboutme.php’)

    Well, I tried to check out your links to Author Homepage, etc. and I got a Forbidden error. This looks like something I would like to use a lot, so my question is, can it be used to make multiple little sidebar thingies? Thanks!

    Most of the functionality is missing for me. All I get is a text box, no image upload or anything.

    The plugin works partially for me in v2.5.1. I can add the widget to the sidebar, but the admin side is dookie. Also, I cannot style this thing properly without the functioning side of the admin config area. I try to edit the CSS, but that does nothing. Really, nothing.


    I dont see a config bar at all on my window. Anyone know of a similar plug in?

    I’m also getting this, it’s unfortunate as it was exactly what I’m looking for.
    Using 2.6.1, when I activated it and added it, it already has a strange version of an edit box opened but it’s impossible for me to type in it. When I actually click “Edit” another box comes up, I can type in this box but when I save, nothing happens. It doesn’t appear as the screenshot shows. Just a blank box below the words “Design your widget below”.
    Maybe I did something wrong, this is my first day using WordPress.
    Anyway, hopefully I’ll be able to use it sometime. ??

    I had the same problem with the 1.04 version of about-me-widget with 2.6 of WordPress. It appears that about-me has not been updated in approximately a year, and is no longer in synch with where TinyMCE files are named/located. I made it work by changing the code starting at line 36 as follows. This code replaces lines 36 to 73.

    <?php $abdir= get_bloginfo( ‘siteurl’ ) . ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ . basename(dirname(__FILE__));

    $extplugin = ‘advimage’ ;
    $plugpath = $abdir . ‘/mce/’;
    $getlocalcss = get_bloginfo(‘stylesheet_url’);
    $admincss = $abdir . ‘/aboutmeadmin.css’; ?>
    <script language=”javascript” type=”text/javascript” src=”../wp-includes/js/tinymce/tiny_mce.js”></script>
    <script type=”text/javascript”>
    mode : “textareas”,
    theme : “advanced”



    Dircz’s code tweak allowed the widget to show up in the sidebar, but now I get two text edit areas — one in the Widget edit bar on the right, and then another when I click the widget edit button. Neither allow me to input anything though.

    WP 2.6.3 & K2 theme.

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