Hi, thanks for your feedback very useful link.
So how did you do it, it is perfectly correct, the fault is due to an outdated function called mime_content_type ()
from the plugin, as it is to watch on your side.
I will fix this bug in the next version, no problem.
If you do not want to wait, I can offer you, if you can open plugin files (for example, ftp, about Hoster surface).
Navigate the file in an editor withoutjs.php and exchange in the file these code sections in the folder / wp-content / plugins / download-counter-button / functions / count / and inside there:
21 $fullfilepath = $getFilePath . $arr['path']; // Full path to the file
23 $data['Type'] = mime_content_type($fullfilepath);
against this code from:
21 $fullfilepath = '/' . trim($getFilePath, '/') . $arr['path'];
22 $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
24 $data['Type'] = finfo_file($finfo, $fullfilepath);
25 finfo_close($finfo);
That should fix the problem. Hope could help you now.
It could be that there are still problems with the file size, as your DOCUMENT_ROOT can not be determined by any cause, as I said the problem will soon eliminate I hope.
Best Regards