I left a post in the sub-forum along with two others who had left a response for the same problem 4 months ago and 2 months ago.
If you read through the support forum for this plugin there are plenty of unanswered posts with questions and problems regarding this plugin.
Since two others who experienced the same issue as I did received no response in 4 months I figured the chance of me getting one was slim to none.
I see you closed the topic, chastising me for tagging onto someone else’s thread when the problem was exactly the same thing, just with a newer version of WordPress.
No updates have been made to the plugin in a year so I assumed the issue wasn’t resolved. So I guess the question is why did it take a bad review to get you to address the problem? Why didn’t you respond to the other two requests on this issue?
Even now you don’t address the issue or give helpful suggestions for me to maybe track down where the problem might be. Rather you attack me and ask how I know the problem isn’t me.