• Resolved lweb


    Hello, Matomo does not register any visits on our site, do you know what the problem is?

    				  # Matomo
    * Version de l’extension Matomo: 4.11.0
    * Config existe et est accessible en écriture.: Oui ("$abs_path/wp-content/uploads/matomo/config/config.ini.php" )
    * JS Tracker existe et est accessible en écriture.: Oui ("$abs_path/wp-content/uploads/matomo/matomo.js" )
    * Répertoires de l’extension: Yes ([{"pluginsPathAbsolute":"$abs_path\/wp-content\/plugins\/matomo\/plugins","webrootDirRelativeToMatomo":"..\/"}])
    * Répertoire temporaire accessible en écriture: Yes ($abs_path/wp-content/cache/matomo)
    * Version de Matomo: 4.11.0
    * idSite du site web Matomo: 1
    * Version installée de Matomo: 4.10.0 (Install date: 2022-07-22 13:57:50)
    * Upgrades outstanding: No
    * Upgrade in progress: No
    ## Endpoints
    * Matomo JavaScript Tracker URL:  ($site_url/wp-content/uploads/matomo/matomo.js)
    * Matomo JavaScript Tracker - WP Rest API:  ($site_url/wp-json/matomo/v1/hit/)
    * Matomo HTTP Tracking API:  ($site_url/wp-content/plugins/matomo/app/matomo.php)
    * Matomo HTTP Tracking API - WP Rest API:  ($site_url/wp-json/matomo/v1/hit/)
    ## Crons
    * Heure du serveur: 2022-09-15 16:24:06
    * Heure du site web: 2022-09-15 16:24:06 (Les dates ci-dessous sont affichées dans le fuseau horaire du site web)
    * Sync users & sites: Next run: 2022-09-16 13:58:49 (21 heures 34 min) ( Last started: 2022-09-15 13:59:16 (-2 heures 24 min). Last ended: 2022-09-15 13:59:16 (-2 heures 24 min). Interval: daily)
    * Archive: Next run: 2022-09-15 16:57:54 (33 min 48s) ( Last started: 2022-09-15 15:59:23 (-24 min 43s). Last ended: 2022-09-15 15:59:25 (-24 min 41s). Interval: hourly)
    * Update GeoIP DB: Next run: 2022-09-20 13:58:28 (4 jours 21 heures) ( Last started: 2022-08-21 14:24:55 (-25 jours 1 heures). Last ended: 2022-08-21 14:24:58 (-25 jours 1 heures). Interval: matomo_monthly)
    ## Contr?les obligatoires
    * Version PHP >= : ok 
    * PDO Extension: ok 
    * PDO\MYSQL Extension: ok 
    * MYSQLI Extension: ok 
    * Autres extensions requises: ok 
    * Fonctions requises: ok 
    * Configuration PHP requise (php.ini): ok 
    * Répertoires avec les droits d'accès en écriture: ok 
    * Répertoires avec accès en écriture pour Gestionnaire de balises: ok 
    ## Contr?les facultatifs
    * Binaire PHP 64 bits: ok 
    * état du traqueur: ok 
    * Limite mémoire: ok 
    * Fuseau horaire: ok 
    * Ouvrir l'URL: ok 
    * PageSpeed est désactivé: ok 
    * GD > 2.x + FreeType (graphics): ok 
    * Autres extensions: ok 
    * Autres fonctions: ok 
    * Système de fichiers: ok 
    * Dernière exécution d'archivage réussie: ok 
    * Capacités de la base de données: ok 
    * Taille maximale des paquets: ok 
    * Géolocalisation: ok 
    * Mettre à jour via HTTPS: ok 
    * Supports Async Archiving: Yes
    * Location provider ID: geoip2php
    * Location provider available: Yes
    * Location provider working: Yes
    * Matomo URL: Yes ($site_url/wp-content/plugins/matomo/app/)
    ## Matomo Settings
    * Track mode: manually
    * Track codeposition: footer
    * Track api endpoint: default
    * Track js endpoint: default
    * Version history: 4.11.0, 4.10.0
    * Core version: 4.11.0
    * Last tracking settings update: 1658498519
    * Last settings update: 1663258508
    * Track search: Yes
    * Track 404: Yes
    * Track jserrors: Yes
    * Show get started page: 0
    ## Logs
    * Aucun: 
    # WordPress
    * Home URL: $site_url
    * Site URL: $site_url
    * WordPress Version: 6.0.2
    * Number of blogs: 1
    * Multisite Enabled: No
    * Network Enabled: No
    * WP_DEBUG: No
    * WP_DEBUG_LOG: No
    * WP_CACHE: No
    * WP_LOCAL_DEV: -
    * WP_CONTENT_URL: $site_url/wp-content
    * WP_CONTENT_DIR: $abs_path/wp-content
    * UPLOADS: -
    * WPLANG: -
    * Permalink Structure: /%postname%/
    * Possibly uses symlink: No
    * Upload base url: $site_url/wp-content/uploads
    * Upload base dir: $abs_path/wp-content/uploads
    * Upload url: $site_url/wp-content/uploads/2022/09
    * Custom upload_path: 
    * Custom upload_url_path: 
    * Compatible content directory: Yes
    # WordPress Plugins
    * Akismet Anti-Spam: 5.0
    * Classic Editor: 1.6.2
    * CM On Demand Search And Replace: 1.2.8
    * Coming Soon Page, Maintenance Mode, Landing Pages & WordPress Website Builder by SeedProd: 6.15.4
    * consentmanager: 2.0.7
    * Divi Areas Pro: 3.1.5
    * Forminator: 1.18.1
    * Instant Indexing: 1.1.16
    * kk Star Ratings: 5.3.2
    * Matomo Analytics - Ethical Stats. Powerful Insights.: 4.11.0
    * OpenAgenda: 2.3.0
    * Pricing Table by Supsystic: 1.9.8
    * Really Simple SSL: 5.3.4
    * UpdraftPlus - Backup/Restore: 1.22.21
    * WP Go Maps (formerly WP Google Maps): 9.0.10
    * WP Logo Showcase Responsive Slider and Carousel: 3.1.4
    * WPML Multilingual CMS: 4.5.10
    * WPML String Translation: 3.2.2
    * WP Rocket:
    * Yoast Duplicate Post: 4.5
    * Yoast SEO: 19.6.1
    * Active Plugins: 18 (sitepress-multilingual-cms akismet cm-on-demand-search-and-replace consent-manager divi-areas-pro duplicate-post fast-indexing-api forminator kk-star-ratings matomo openagenda pricing-table-by-supsystic really-simple-ssl updraftplus wordpress-seo wp-google-maps wp-logo-showcase-responsive-slider-slider wpml-string-translation)
    * Theme: Divi (AGWEB-DIVI)
    # Server
    * Server Info: Apache
    * PHP OS: Linux
    * PHP Version: 7.4.30
    * PHP SAPI: litespeed
    * PHP Binary Name: lsphp
    * PHP Error Reporting: 0 After bootstrap: 0
    * PHP Found Binary: php -q
    * Timezone: UTC
    * WP timezone: +00:00
    * Locale: fr_FR
    * User Locale: fr_FR
    * Memory Limit: 512M (At least 128MB recommended. Depending on your traffic 256MB or more may be needed.)
    * WP Memory Limit: 40M
    * WP Max Memory Limit: 512M
    * Timezone version: 2022.1
    * Time: 1663259047
    * Max Execution Time: 360
    * Max Post Size: 512M
    * Max Upload Size: 536870912
    * Max Input Vars: 250000
    * Disabled PHP functions: No
    * zlib.output_compression is off: Yes
    * Curl Version: 7.71.0, OpenSSL/1.1.1p
    * Suhosin installed: No
    # Database
    * MySQL Version: 5.5.5
    * Mysqli Connect: Yes
    * Force MySQL over Mysqli: No
    * DB Prefix: wpxl_
    * DB CHARSET: utf8mb4
    * DB COLLATE: 
    * Uses Socket: No
    * Uses IPv6: No
    * Matomo tables found: 61
    * DB tables exist: Yes
    * Matomo users found: 3
    * Matomo sites found: 1
    * Permissions obligatoires: OK
    # Browser
    * Browser:  (Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36)
    * Language: fr-fr,fr,en
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