Yes, IQ Block does that too. The difference is that Apocalypse Meow allows you to automatically detect and block just one IP address at a time based on the Login attempts from that one IP Address.
During the last Brute Force Attack I didn’t necessarily want to block an entire country for the actions of a few bad eggs. I set up Apocalypse Meow to detect persistent login attempts. After the third failed login attempt I had Apocalypse Meow block that one IP address for the next twelve hours. After which that IP Address could try to Login again. This gave me time to review the Apocalypse Meow login records and to Google an IP Address to see if there was any history of trouble with that address.
Apocalypse Meow does Not permanently block an IP Address. You need to manually add any IP Addresses you wish to block to your .htaccess file. If you decide to give Apocalypse Meow a try you should, before activating it, be sure to enter Your IP Address in the “do not block” setting.
I use iQ Country Block to block countries from whom I receive more grief than good. Something Apocalypse Meow can Not do.
iQ Country Block has saved me a lot of work and to me is an invaluable tool!