Hey jdmrsm
It does, and like any of the other networks, but depends on them handling the open graph data the way you designate it. For reference – scroll down to the “Improve content sharing with Open Graph” section on LinkedIn’s developer docs here: https://developer.linkedin.com/docs/share-on-linkedin
That og:title (etc) code is exactly what this plugin outputs. If you view your page source when this plugin is activated and just do a CMD+F search for “og:” and you’ll see those tags in there.
Now.. with that said.. Linkedin is horrible at sharing links – the worst one out of the ‘big 3’ (FB, TW, LI). So while the plugin does follow their documentation; from that point to when they process it and post it – I can’t do anything about that. Once it’s in their hands – regardless of their documentation – they handle it the way they want.
FB is very well known for changing it constantly – even Google does this if you present them well done meta tags. This plugin was built long ago when these networks actually did honor your tags – they change constantly and show what they think is best on their network – again linkedin is horrible at this but… I built this to present the data that should be used – what they do with it after that… out of our hands.
Hope that helps understand it all a bit ?? Cheers!